Sunday, August 31, 2008

Friday's Fashion Feature (on Sunday)

Yeah, I know... I'm 2 days late.

It's been a good but crazy week. Greyson's Papaw was admitted back into the hospital on Tuesday, but luckily he's done really well and is back at the rehab center this weekend. He's doing pretty well with his knee, we're all very proud of him. I think Greyson will be very happy when he's finally home. It still is a little hard for Greyson to see him in the bed/wheel chair. As long as everything with Bud (Greyson's Grandpa) stays stable, we'll be heading to Disney on Wednesday, so next weeks fashion feature will be late as well. We'll go down and stay through the weekend - YAY!! Greyson is very excited to go see Mickey's Castle. I'm determined to take lots of pictures this time, I always go with good intention's and then come home with only a couple. Hopefully the storms that are headed in, will not rain us out!

Hope everyone is having a fabulous weekend!!

Greyson is wearing:
Polo Shirt - Genuine Kids by Target
Khaki Shorts - The Children's Place
Leather Sandals - Stride Rite

Beautiful boy...

Monster Boy!!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

So that’s what he was doing…

Tonight after stories and in the moments spent rocking before off to bed, Greyson asked me to tell him the story of when he was born. So I began by telling him that he was in my belly and how we waited and waited for him, and we knew that when he was ready he’d come out. He sat back in my lap and finally cleared up all question of what took him so long.

He told me, “I was reading the paper!”

Friday (err... Saturday's) Fashion Feature

Saturday’s Fashion Feature??

When the day’s run together, one on top of another, all consisting of rain, rain and more rain, well you kind of forget where you are in the week, so I’m a day late…

Greyson is wearing:
Shirt and Shorts both by: Gymboree (I don’t remember which line)
Large Golf Umbrella by: Titleist Golf courtesy of Daddy
Wet head, raining weather: courtesy of Fay
(hiding under the umbrella...)
(little man - big 'brella')
just after I snapped this one the umbrella went flying - Fay sure is windy!
(um... yeah, just total cuteness!)
Have a safe and Happy rest of the weekend everyone!!
Hugs and Kisses from Greyson Lee!!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Fay Fay - Go Away...

It's raining, it's pouring...
Greyson's too rested for snoring...
Fay came to play...
She won't go away...
We'll still have rain in the morning!!

Um... yeah... can you say Cabin Fever?!?

So, I know it's only been raining for like 2 days, but the week leading up to those 2 days, involved travel to and from NY and days spent in the hospital for both Papaw and then mommy (as in me) and my crazy head/neck issues (don't worry - I'm fine), so even though it's been 2 days of torrential downpours, it feels as if we've been stuck inside for YEARS!!

The sad news... Fay's rainy self is also SLOW, so while she's battering us with her winds and rains, she's really only moving at a snails pace and heck, I think the snail would win, well that is if it didn't drown first from all the rain.

So the point is... We're fine and don't think the storm will cause us any major harm, unless of course you consider the mental effects on a mommy with a 2 year old - trapped inside for days on end....

Here are a few left over shots from our lovely time in New York, where we could be outside - in the Sun Shine!! Ahhh... those were the good ole' days.

he was eyeing a fountain that he really wanted to play in!!
a tilted cheese...
The city's prince charming for sure...
Seriously in love...
still eyeing that fountain...

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Silly in the City

Sometimes, it takes a few warm up shots before Greyson's ready to give into my mommy photographer demands...

(and sometimes the warm up shots turn out super cute!) (getting down in the city...)
(silly smiles...)
Occasionally one of his warm up shots, will turn out to be one of your new favorites....
(smirk = love)

and then... somewhere between the warm up shots and the finale melt down shots, you get a shot that turns out exactly as you planned, and even though you love it, you know that the outtakes will always be your favorite...

Friday, August 15, 2008

Friday's Fashion Feature

Happy Friday!!

Today has been SO busy. Greyson's Grandpa had knee replacement surgery today, so we spent most of the day at the hospital. Everything went great with the surgery and after many many hours (I so dis-like hospitals) we were finally able to see him. Greyson was very happy (see previous post) to see that his Papaw (those two are like peas in pod, always causing some sort of mischief) was doing well, and just very sleepy. I thought he'd be a little afraid to see him in the hospital bed, but he was fine with it, reached out to hold his hand and told him "I love you, Papaw".

His fashion today was completely and totally for his Grandpa. Bud has purchased this exact same t-shirt for Greyson twice!! Greyson is definitely his Grandpa Bud's little All Star though, so it fits!

Sorry the pictures have such horrible shadows, I snapped them real quick before we left for the hospital, and I'm just too tired to work on them anymore tonight - so you get the really bad ones.
Have a great weekend!

Greyson is wearing:
T-Shirt - Grandpa's Little All Star from Cracker Barrel
Denim Shorts - Baby Gap from Baby Gap

he's listening...

He's definitely listening, and even more - understanding.

Last night before bed, we talked to Greyson about his Grandpa's surgery today.

"Tomorrow, Papaw is having knee surgery. We're going to go visit him in the hospital where the doctors are going to take very good care of him. He'll have to stay in bed for a couple of days, but there is no reason to worry or be scarred ok? He won't be able to look for lizards, or play chase or ball for a few days, and we'll have to give him lots of extra love. He's going to get a brand new knee and before long he'll be able to play even more with you! Good deal huh?"

He seemed fine with the information, and off to bed he went.

Until a few hours later, I heard him crying.

"What's wrong baby?"

"I worry!", he wailed.

"Worry? About what baby?"

"My Papaw!"

Yeah, if that doesn't just break your heart, nothing will. So this morning we are off to see Papaw who should be out of surgery soon. I think it will do Greyson good, to see that his Papaw is doing just fine.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

New York, New York!!

and we're home.

We had a fantastic time in New York. Greyson absolutely loved the new baby, he was so sweet with her, it just melted my heart. She of course is beautiful and perfect in every way.

Greyson and I were able to go out and about a bit and enjoy the wonderful weather the city offered us. In fact, there were moments we were a bit chilly, but it was great. We found a great little park just blocks from Aunt Rachel's apartment and squeezed in a quick photo shoot, so I have lots of photo's to share over the next few days!!

To my amazement, Greyson totally remembered the subway from our visit last year!! I was shocked! The first set of steps down into the subway we passed though, he turned around in his stroller and said "Momma, the train! The train!!" So, before we left, we walked a few blocks up to 80th and rode the train back to 75th, twice. Yes my child is crazy in love with a mass transit system... He cracked me up when both times we walked down the (filthy) stairs he looked up at me and proclaimed "This not scary mommy, this fun!" I think he was attempting to convince both of us...

While we love the city, we were definitely very happy to get back home with Daddy. He was very very missed. The older (and more settled) I get I realize the absolute truth in the saying, "There's no place like home."

(a quiet little park, in the center of the busy city...)

Friday, August 8, 2008

Take me out to the ball park...

This evening Greg's company hosted their summer outing at the ball park! We went down to Daytona to watch the Daytona Cubs (it's the AAA team). Greyson has been so excited about going to the baseball game, but I was unsure of how he would like it (baseball is not all that exciting, if you ask me.) He LOVED it! We had an awesome spot for one thing, in a cute pavilion with lots of yummy food right next to the field at first base (it was a great spot) and the guys Greg works with thought it was hilarious to buy Greyson a very loud horn (thanks fellas...) so that kept Greyson happy, but mostly he really just loved to watch the game, the opposing team warming up, the crazy mascot (Cubby) and the people. It's a very family friendly spot that we will definitely be visiting again soon!!
(Our view was great!)
(The world's loudest horn... thanks guys, thanks a lot!)
(watching the game...)
Greyson and Mommy are leaving on Saturday to go to New York for a few days. It's been 2 weeks since Aunt Rachel had her baby and we can't wait another second. I figured since I'm still not pregnant and able to fly, it was the prefect opportunity!!
We'll be back later in the week with lots of pictures to post!
Love you!

Friday's Fashion Feature

Happy Friday!

Greyson is wearing:
Red Polo Shirt - J. Khaki Kids from Belks Department Store
Plaid Shorts - J. Khaki Kids from Belks Department Store
(such a serious look...)

Thursday, August 7, 2008

You want a choice?

This evening the 3 of us were in the Kitchen, me cooking dinner, Greg trying to look at the mail and talk to me about our days, and Greyson pulling on his Daddy's leg asking him to go play ball in the family room... As Greg was being dragged from the kitchen to the jabbering of "Come play ball with me daddy, play ball! play ball! play baaaalllll!!!!" He glanced at me with questioning eyes and asked rhetorically "Do I have a choice?"

and from the cute little almost 3 year old voice in our house we heard...

"Choice? you want choice? You can play trucks or you can play ball with me daddy!"

I think we were just outsmarted by our 2 year old....

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


He was being the good boy, quietly having his snack and watching toons. I was the annoying mommy with the camera...

Monday, August 4, 2008

Just a photo...

Lately he seems to be less and less baby and more and more

Friday, August 1, 2008

Friday's Fashion Feature

Happy Friday Everyone!

Wishing you a fun filled weekend!

Greyson Lee

Greyson is wearing...
2 piece outfit: Boyz wear by Nannette from Belks Department Store
(it's also one of his new outfits that we are in LOVE with!!)
** I know that these 2 pictures are not 'technically' very good (um... hello blow out?!?) but we were in a hurry and I thought they were cute... so there you go.