Tomorrow wraps up our first week of Greyson in school! I feel like more of a “mom” than ever… I know that sounds weird, but it’s so true! I worried that the “schedule” would be hard on us, that we’d be late, always rushing, tears, fights, stained shirts… but, instead it’s been… well, Awesome!! I can get to the gym, then home make breakfast (and we’re talking, bacon, eggs, pancakes, a real hot breakfast!), shower, get Greyson in and out of the shower, snacks packed, back pack ready and out the door by 8:35 with really no real problem!! I even managed to give the dog a bath this morning?!?
So it seems that being scheduled and not just winging it like we used to works for us, and it feels so good!
Here are a few pictures from his first day at school… It was tough, I missed him immensely, but I was able to hold it together, a few misty eyed moments and tears on the way home in the car… The time has just flown by way too fast!!
(Ready to go!)
So it seems that being scheduled and not just winging it like we used to works for us, and it feels so good!
Here are a few pictures from his first day at school… It was tough, I missed him immensely, but I was able to hold it together, a few misty eyed moments and tears on the way home in the car… The time has just flown by way too fast!!
(Ready to go!)

(At his school!!!)

(By his cubby.... you can see that he was getting nervous...)

His teachers have nothing but GREAT things to say about him, except for one little thing... He likes to talk - a LOT!! Now, I have no idea where he gets that?!? Ha ha ha... I think my parents may have heard that very same thing a time or two??