Hi... My name is Heather and I'm.... addicted to being a really bad blogger...
Hi Heather...
It's been months since my last blog...
Ok, that's all I really know about 12 step programs, but it kinda feels like I need one to break my addiction to NOT blogging. I'm sorry y'all!!
Life here in sunny Florida is good, we're chugging along doing our thing!! Greg is good, he has a few changes coming up that we're equal parts nervous but excited about... Perhaps I'll blog about it in the future when we know more... (don't hold your breath!! ha!)
I have fully launched Heather Peugh Photography and holy monkey's I didn't know word of mouth marketing would make me this busy!! I'm loving it and really being challenged and it's good! I'm also still working races and such and loving all of that too! I broke my tailbone early this year and had to take a forced break from running/biking/working out in general and it's made me grumpy, but luckily for anyone who has to be around me, I'm slowly but surely making my comeback now and man does it feel good (in that painful kinda way!).
Greyson (I know that's all you really come here for...) - Greyson is amazing!! He graduated from Arnold Palmers earlier this year and I'm pretty sure everyone clapped and cried for us as we left that final day knowing that weekly therapy visits there were OVER!! We're still in the weaning him from his meds visits, but he is doing so amazingly well!! Yay and hip hip hooray and everything overly the top happy!!! WOO HOO!!
2 weeks ago he had a pallet expander put in his top pallet to correct his cross bite. His cross bite was bad enough that it needed to be fixed sooner rather than later to keep him from having jaw issues in the future. At first he had the cutest little lisp you have ever heard, but as he gets used to it the lisp is going away!! He's been a trouper with it and hasn't really complained about it at all! I'm so proud of him.
He's continuing to shine at school! He/We love his new school so much and couldn't be happier with how that all turned out. He fits in very well with his class and we've made great friends there!! Love it so so so much!
Last week was spring break - we had a nice relaxed week with movies and playing and camping out in the living room, and late night giggle fests... I missed him so much when he went back to school today. Schedule is good for us though and I'll spend the rest of the week getting caught up on everything I let slide last week...
and now for the good stuff... We went out yesterday morning, and caught a bit of the sunrise and few captured moments of the little guy I love so much. He's truly my first muse, my inspiration, my heart, my love, my everything. He makes me smile like no other ever could... I love you Greyson - to the moon and back, infinity...