Thursday, December 28, 2006

Baby shoes

Today we went in search of new shoes for the teeny tot. His little foot seems to be turning into a big foot rather quickly. Even I, lover of all shoes, can never have too many (yes dear, even if they do look similar to the last 4 pairs I bought) shoe fanatic, see that when he’s out of them in 6 weeks or less it is quite silly to buy more than 1 or 2 (ahem,….. ok 3……….. errr…. 4 but that’s it) pairs at a time. I found myself in the toddler shoe Mecca, down size 6 alley, grabbing box after box of the most adorable, teeny tiny, oh so cute, we just have to have them shoes. When the stroller could not hold another box with out causing serious harm to the baby, I decided it was try on time. Greyson, the ever loving, laid back kid that he is, took it all in stride, perched upon his stroller seat holding his little feet out for mommy to cram into shoes, only occasionally whopping me on the back of the head with a slobbery, sticky palm. We narrowed it down to 5 pairs rather quickly, then 4. My mind quickly flashed to the great sale sign in the window “Buy 1 pair, get the 2nd pair FREE!!” So…. Technically I can buy him 2 pairs of shoes (so not unreasonable right?) but walk home with all 4 pairs! Woo Hoo! Then it hit me….. that nagging little voice in my head (it’s the one with Greg’s voice).

“ Um… Heather” it said, “ you know, you could just buy 1 pair, get the 2nd pair for free and that really will be enough for the next few weeks until he needs a bigger size.”

I hate this voice – it just ruins my shopping high…….

I only came home with 2 pairs of shoes…. My hubby loves me.

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