Friday, March 2, 2007

What a big boy!

We’re talking MAJOR big boy stuff…..

Greyson Lee peed in the potty!!! WOO HOO!!

Now don’t worry, I am in no way shape or form even attempting to potty train him. However, the little “squirt” pees every night as soon as he steps foot in the tub, so today in an effort to save myself the hassle of draining/cleaning/re-filling the tub, I bought him a potty seat and a stool, they are a super cute matching sesame street set. I figured it would be a good time to get him used to seeing these things in the bathroom, and he is always showing interest in the potty so why not let him play around with the new potty seat (it’s one of those rings that just sits on the regular seat) and his new stool.

We stripped him down and his naked little buns scooted into the bathroom awaiting his lift into the tub, but instead mommy stepped him up on to his stool, lifted the lid (no peeing on the seat!) and said, “Can you go pee pee in the big potty?” and low and behold he did it!!! I was shocked! He was pleased as punch and strained to get ever last drop out, straining so hard he let the loudest “toot” you’ve ever heard and I thought for a second I was going to have a bigger mess than just pee in the tub, if you know what I mean…. but alas, it was just pee pee’s in the potty and a baby boy and mommy with grins from ear to ear for the huge accomplishment.

Who would’ve ever thought this moment would be one of my proudest????

1 comment:

  1. Good job Greyson!! Grandma is so proud of you for peeing in the potty. Now comes the hard part for Mommy, because he will begin to tell you all and I mean ALL the time that he has to go, even if he really doesn't; but you have to take him no matter because it just might be the real thing!!! Take heart, little boys seem to train easier than girls, and its so worth the effort when you no longer have to change diapers!! Are you going to put him in pull ups yet? Anyhow, he is amazingly smart for starting so young, maybe you will just breeze through this potty training with out a hitch.Are you sure there is not a four year old in that cute little toddler body?
    Love, Hugs and Kisses,
    Mom and one proud Grandma
