Sunday, April 29, 2007

The Firstborn....

Long long ago…. 7, yes I said 7, years ago, Greg and I decided we were ready for the responsibility of a puppy. We set off in hopes of finding the perfect one. Greg cautioned me about not falling in love with the first little mutt we saw.

“Heather”, he said, “We want to find a good, quality dog. All dogs are cute as puppies, but remember we want one that will make a good dog.”

So off we went and immediately fell in love with the first litter of puppies we found. We were the first to see them; we had pick-of-the-litter. I wanted them all, Greg wanted just one. We decided on the cutest Chocolate Lab you have ever seen, and were at once – parents to an “oh so cute” little boy we named him Mayhem. Four short years after that, we had the big talk – it was time to expand our family. So off we went in search of the perfect Yellow Lab, female this time to really round out the family. We shortly found her and quickly brought her home, her name – Chaos.

Mayhem and Chaos were the apples of our eyes for quite some time, until 2005 rolled around and into the world came our third but mostly first baby – our little Greyson. Now as all pet owners know the unthinkable happened. When you have a child, your four legged babies become (gasp!!) dogs!!! To the back burner they were banished, to only occasionally get the ball thrown, a good belly rub or a treat. I long for the day that Greyson will be big enough to play with the dogs, for I know that Katie and Meemers (aka Chaos & Mayhem) will make the best of companions to him. I know that he will bring back the love they have missed. I know that they will get more quality time than the few walks they get now and the few minutes of playing and loving they get each day. I know that day is just around the corner and I know that our first babies are waiting patiently – they are such good doggies and tonight – extra treats on the house!!

Here they are in their freshly bathed glory!

Weekend Project!

Our weekend project!!!............

I imagine the manufacturer or maybe the designer of these “must-have” play centers as Gargamel from the Smurfs. The sinister character with the evil laugh who if I remember correctly could look through a large spotting scope to see the peril he put in the loving Smufs way. If Gargamel is indeed the creator of the “must-have” play center, he surely was laughing his evil laugh this weekend!! The directions would have been clearer to us had they been in Chinese!! Nothing matched anything, everything went on backwards the first seven tries and holes were in places holes should not be!

But alas, Papa Smurf (the wisest, always cometh to the rescue-ist smurf) better known around here as Greg – prevailed and triumphed in creating a very “must-have” play center for the little man! After a long, hot, sun burn inducing, frustrating day – the smiles and squeals of joy made us realize the day wasn’t so bad after all!

Enjoy the pictures!

Here is Greyson's first look at the new toy in his back yard!!
Yeah.... we think he likes it!
Running to try out the slide!
He loves to slide!
Weeee!!!! "I like my new swing!"

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Excuse Me.... Can you tell me where the time has gone?

It occurred to me to today as Greyson and I were sitting on the beach soaking up the rays, that he is closer to two than he is to one! How on earth did that happen? How is it, that my baby (BABY!!) is going to be 2 in 5 months and a few days – how How HOW??? These startling revelations made me stop and think of the last few months. We have gone so many places, seen so many things, and yet spent lots of time at home too. I think of watching Greyson experience new things for the first time and how most of those things I’ve seen time and time before but how seeing them through his eyes – they are more fabulous than ever. Today for example, we go to the beach often so it’s not a first time thing by any means, but today was so windy and the birds (the ones that look like pelicans, but really aren’t pelicans, but they dive like pelicans and have the funky beak like pelicans – but really the are not pelicans) would pause in mid air for what seemed like minutes as the turned to dive straight into the water, Greyson would clap and screech with joy each and every time, he was mesmerized and delighted. Just watching his eyes twinkle, his smile erupt and the pure joy that overtook his whole face made me laugh and cheer for the birds as well. In that one moment nothing else mattered, I didn’t think of bills or errands or phone calls I need to make, I didn’t think of laundry, dirty dishes, or papers I needed to type – I thought of the birds, and the joy they brought to my little man. He’s growing up so fast, and yet he’s still so painstakingly little. He amazes me more and more each day. I feel as if my heart is so full of love I couldn’t love him any more, yet in the morning when I hear his first calls from his crib and I go in and see his bright blue eyes, I know I’ll feel my heart stretch and fill with love. Life is good in Mommy-hood land……

Here is a snap shot of Greyson at the beach today, rocking his oh so cute wet suit. The combination of sunscreen in his hair and the wind gave him a very wind blown beachy do!!
Also, for your viewing pleasure is this super sweet picture that Greg snapped of me and my boy – oh…. I just love him so much!!!!!

And this one is just a cute picture of the little man chilling out on the couch..... "Are you taking my picture?"

Monday, April 16, 2007


Can you say busy? I would - but I don't have time!! Ahhhhh!!

The best I can do for today is a picture update - Here are before and afters of the "Big" Hair Cut!!

