Sunday, April 29, 2007

The Firstborn....

Long long ago…. 7, yes I said 7, years ago, Greg and I decided we were ready for the responsibility of a puppy. We set off in hopes of finding the perfect one. Greg cautioned me about not falling in love with the first little mutt we saw.

“Heather”, he said, “We want to find a good, quality dog. All dogs are cute as puppies, but remember we want one that will make a good dog.”

So off we went and immediately fell in love with the first litter of puppies we found. We were the first to see them; we had pick-of-the-litter. I wanted them all, Greg wanted just one. We decided on the cutest Chocolate Lab you have ever seen, and were at once – parents to an “oh so cute” little boy we named him Mayhem. Four short years after that, we had the big talk – it was time to expand our family. So off we went in search of the perfect Yellow Lab, female this time to really round out the family. We shortly found her and quickly brought her home, her name – Chaos.

Mayhem and Chaos were the apples of our eyes for quite some time, until 2005 rolled around and into the world came our third but mostly first baby – our little Greyson. Now as all pet owners know the unthinkable happened. When you have a child, your four legged babies become (gasp!!) dogs!!! To the back burner they were banished, to only occasionally get the ball thrown, a good belly rub or a treat. I long for the day that Greyson will be big enough to play with the dogs, for I know that Katie and Meemers (aka Chaos & Mayhem) will make the best of companions to him. I know that he will bring back the love they have missed. I know that they will get more quality time than the few walks they get now and the few minutes of playing and loving they get each day. I know that day is just around the corner and I know that our first babies are waiting patiently – they are such good doggies and tonight – extra treats on the house!!

Here they are in their freshly bathed glory!

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