Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Proud Momma Alert!!!

Greyson Lee is a potty training PRO!! I feel as if I have not done a thing to introduce the potty to him and that he’s the one who has really just grabbed the reins and figured it out. The last few days in an effort to make it easier for him (me) and because I have yet to go out and buy pull-ups or big boy under-oo’s! I have been letting the little man run around commando! He loves it and the huge bonus……. he is using the potty exclusively!! Today, he has run into the bathroom a number of times, shushing me out as I follow, to get up on his little step, pee in the potty, hop down, get some TP to wipe off and drips on the rim (yes, you read that right, he even cleans up after himself!!) then flushes, waves bye bye, and is off to the sink to wash his hands. Can you see why I’m so proud? To make this an even more interesting and proud blog – today for the first time, he went in, put the seat down, got his potty seat (the little seat that fits on the toilet type) and then called for me to help him up and he….. yep, he pooped in the potty!! Three Cheers for Greyson Lee, Hip Hip Hooray, Hip Hip Hooray, Hip Hip Hooray!!!!

Huh, who would have ever guessed that some day I would be blogging about my over excitement that my not quite two year old pooped in the potty??? Ah…. Mommy-hood, it rocks!

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