Thursday, October 11, 2007

What's Up?

I’ve always made an effort to keep track of the things Greyson is doing at different stages of his life, it seems to get harder and harder with the older he gets to take the time to make lists and keep everything organized of each new word, phrase, sentence he says, each new milestone, silly moment, or brilliant thing he does. So, I’m taking some time today to list the things he’s doing at 2. (I still can’t believe that he’s two!!)

He loves, loves, loves the color blue. Everything is Blue, Blue and Blue. “What would you like to wear today Greyson?” “BLUE!!” “Which cup would you like to use Greyson?” “BLUE!!” “What color is this banana Greyson?” “BLUE!!!” It’s quite funny, the boy loves his blue!

He’s also pretty crazy about the number 3. Everything is three, “How many ice cubes in your Sippy?” “THREE!!”

He thinks “Please” is the magic word. (ok, ok, most times it is.) “No baby, you can’t have that.” “Please?” “No” “Please, Please” “No” “PLEEEEAAAAASSSSEEE” “Oh, all right.”

When he needs help with something (his shoes put on, or a puzzle piece that’s stuck, etc..) He says, “Momma – Meeeeeeaaaa” sounds like he’s calling me Momma-Mia but I think it’s “Momma” and then he skips the word help and says “me.”

He now calls me, Mommy and Greg, Daddy. It’s so cute. He attempts to say Love You back at night but it comes out like, “Lub Lu” He’s crazy about stories at bedtime. We always end up reading at least six. He fights to stay awake so I’ll keep reading, it’s pretty funny.

He talks a ton now, and will wake up in the middle of the night and just babble all of his words, “Me Mommy Daddy Blue Ball More Home Outside Coke No Yeah Go Down Walk Stuck, and on and on and on…” It’s so funny to hear him in there at 3:00a.m. just practicing and practicing his words.

He’s still pretty crazy about the Backyardigans, and he’s over the moon for Diego and will run around the house yelling “GO GO!!”

He loves to be outside most of all, he’d sleep outside if we let him. He pushes his little mower, he rides his tricycle, and he’ll play with bubbles and sidewalk chalk, or chip golf balls. He just loves to be outside.

His sense of humor is developing everyday more and more, he laughs at things that are truly funny, he goes out of his way to do something silly to get a laugh, or will copy something that made us laugh earlier in the day. He’s still crazy about music and he still loves to dance.

I know there are million other things he’s doing, but these are the things that stand out tonight, they’re the everyday little things that I know if I don’t write them down, they’ll fade overtime, and they are moments that I definitely don’t want to fade…

1 comment:

  1. Heather, your such a good mommy and I am so proud of you.
