Greyson has the croup!
Sounds dramatic huh?
Yeah, that’s what I though too, at 5:00 in the morning as I huddled down by the night light (not wanting to wake anyone with “real” lights) to read in my ever trusty baby illness book. All the symptoms were there, sudden on-set, bark like cough, yes, he had THE CROUP! Three nervously paced hours later (ok, not really I went back to bed) I called the Doctor.
Me: Yes, Greyson has a bark like cough – I think he has the croup!!!
Nurse: Is he running a fever?
Me: No, but I only took it with one of those ear thermometers, and those sometimes are not real accurate, but he doesn’t feel warm like he’s running a fever, but I guess he could be….
Nurse: (Interrupting my fever ramble) Does he have a runny nose, pulling on his ears, any other cold symptoms?
Me: Well, he had a runny nose last week but that’s gone now, and he’s teething right now so I attributed all of his cold symptoms to that, but they are gone now, so no, no and no.
Nurse: Ok, well why don’t you bring him in today, what time can be here?
Me: (Panic ensues; they want me to bring him in – right away? Oh No! The croup is serious!!!) Um…. I can be there in 20 minutes, is this serious? Is he going to be ok?
Nurse: (Totally cracking up) No, no sweetie don’t worry, it does just sound like croup (she left off “the”, which makes it sound less threatening) I just know how scary croup can sound the first time, let’s just bring him in so we can make sure that’s all it is, and give mom a little piece of mind. (i.e. – come on in with your not sick child so we can have your co-pay and your insurance company to keep our doctor’s BMW full of premium gas, and we’ll spend 5 minutes with you telling you to put your child under a humidifier, which I could tell you on the phone, but we love your money). Can you be here at 2:10?
Me: We’ll be there, see you soon!
What have I learned from this story? Croup sounds way more scary if you say THE CROUP, in reality croup, is a simple cold in the larynx or voice box, it can last a few days or a couple of weeks, and is not all that serious, unless it get’s so bad that major coughing fits happen or if accompanied by a fever of 104. (Let me just state now that if Greyson ever has a fever even close to 104 – he’ll be in the emergency room with a totally freaked out Mommy). The best thing to do for croup, is a cool mist humidifier and lots of love.
Oh, and I have also learned that I’m happy to pay my “peace of mind co-payment” any day of the week, rather than sit home and worry myself to death that my baby will die from THE croup. So yeah, I’m a sucker – oh well.
Feel better soon my sweet little barky baby.
Sounds dramatic huh?
Yeah, that’s what I though too, at 5:00 in the morning as I huddled down by the night light (not wanting to wake anyone with “real” lights) to read in my ever trusty baby illness book. All the symptoms were there, sudden on-set, bark like cough, yes, he had THE CROUP! Three nervously paced hours later (ok, not really I went back to bed) I called the Doctor.
Me: Yes, Greyson has a bark like cough – I think he has the croup!!!
Nurse: Is he running a fever?
Me: No, but I only took it with one of those ear thermometers, and those sometimes are not real accurate, but he doesn’t feel warm like he’s running a fever, but I guess he could be….
Nurse: (Interrupting my fever ramble) Does he have a runny nose, pulling on his ears, any other cold symptoms?
Me: Well, he had a runny nose last week but that’s gone now, and he’s teething right now so I attributed all of his cold symptoms to that, but they are gone now, so no, no and no.
Nurse: Ok, well why don’t you bring him in today, what time can be here?
Me: (Panic ensues; they want me to bring him in – right away? Oh No! The croup is serious!!!) Um…. I can be there in 20 minutes, is this serious? Is he going to be ok?
Nurse: (Totally cracking up) No, no sweetie don’t worry, it does just sound like croup (she left off “the”, which makes it sound less threatening) I just know how scary croup can sound the first time, let’s just bring him in so we can make sure that’s all it is, and give mom a little piece of mind. (i.e. – come on in with your not sick child so we can have your co-pay and your insurance company to keep our doctor’s BMW full of premium gas, and we’ll spend 5 minutes with you telling you to put your child under a humidifier, which I could tell you on the phone, but we love your money). Can you be here at 2:10?
Me: We’ll be there, see you soon!
What have I learned from this story? Croup sounds way more scary if you say THE CROUP, in reality croup, is a simple cold in the larynx or voice box, it can last a few days or a couple of weeks, and is not all that serious, unless it get’s so bad that major coughing fits happen or if accompanied by a fever of 104. (Let me just state now that if Greyson ever has a fever even close to 104 – he’ll be in the emergency room with a totally freaked out Mommy). The best thing to do for croup, is a cool mist humidifier and lots of love.
Oh, and I have also learned that I’m happy to pay my “peace of mind co-payment” any day of the week, rather than sit home and worry myself to death that my baby will die from THE croup. So yeah, I’m a sucker – oh well.
Feel better soon my sweet little barky baby.

Gramma is so sorry that you dont feel well! Your little picture is sooooo sad:( I love you and get feeling better really soon, Grandma