Thursday, February 7, 2008


In doing a little research, and mostly because Greg remembered reading a blurb about it somewhere, I have learned that babies, while born with knee caps, they are made of mostly cartilage. Ossification actually happens later in a toddler/child's life typically happening between the ages of 2-6. Boys typically tend to be on the later side of that scale, but I can't help but wonder if maybe Greyson's pains are coming from the ossification of his knee caps??? Maybe??

Anyway, the update is that since being at the Dr.'s he has not once said that his knees hurt. No fevers, no rashes, no nothing. So that's good.

I'll definitely keep an eye on him, but for now I'm chalking this whole mommy-hood lesson up to growing pains/ossification, and a mother's ability to panic like no other.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you all are feeling beter!
    I love you Greyson!
