(Jackie Robinson Ball Park - Daytona Beach, FL)
Last year we took Greyson to his first Baseball Game. The Daytona Cubs (the class A, minor league farm team for the Chicago Cubs) and the Jackie Robinson Ball Park make for a super fun family night. Friday night we went to our first game of this year, last year we were with Greg’s office in a pavilion out from first base, but this year we sat in the stands with the crazy fans just up from home plate in hopes of catching a foul ball, and while a few came close (one nearly taking the head off the old guy behind us) we came home empty handed. Greyson still had a fantastic time though, he seems to love the atmosphere at the park, watching the players, the fans, Cubby the mascot. He loves the way they holler out “Popcorn, Peanuts, Cold Beer!!” he loves to watch Cubby act silly and the score board numbers change, he loves it when a batter makes a hit and runs, and he loves to watch them slide!!
The only thing he didn’t seem to love was mommy’s camera as shown in the following pictures!!
Sound like a fun time. Hopefully you will get a ball next time.Love you