Friday, September 18, 2009

More Disney Fun...

Greyson with Pluto...
Greyson with Daisy...
The crazy Racer...
On the carousel...
Happy to be at the Happiest Place on Earth... (or so they say...)

We made another Disney trip last week and had a fantastic time. Now that our weather is cooling down a bit, and by cooling I mean 89 degrees rather than 98 degrees everyday, we're sure to be enjoying the parks more often again. Speaking of weather and cooling, it's official that I've become a true Floridian, I froze to death the other evening when the temp dipped to a chilly 78 degrees, literally froze as in I need a sweatshirt and jeans type freezing... yeah, it's sad...

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh! I want the high 70. We have low 60 right now this week and mid 40's at night.
