Last week Greyson had his 6 year old "well baby (ha!)" appointment, which just happens to be around the corner from this park, so afterwards we went on over.
I don't know if it's just the age he is now or what the deal is, but let me tell you, this kid and I have an absolute blast together lately. We ran around this park like two loony tunes, got on the swings and went as high as we could, giggling and squealing and having our bellies caught. We laughed and raced and crawled and laid in the grass and talked about our day, we... we just simply had the best time ever. We left the park hand in hand our cheeks sore from the laughs and smiles...
This boy of mine... He's so much more than my little man, my side kick, my best buddy... He's my light, my joy, my everything good... He is my proof that no matter what life throws at me, or what life has thrown at me in the past, it's all going to be ok, in fact it's going to be good, great even. Because you see, at the end of the day, I get to kiss his sweet face goodnight...
Welcome to the Rainbow park!!