Thursday, November 3, 2011

Updates and such...

I feel like time is flying by so fast! How is it already November? Where did our summer go? Before I know it, it will be summer again!! Too busy we are, way too busy! But doing what? That’s just it, we’re too busy just living the day to day!!

So here’s an update!!

Greyson is rocking school like it’s nobody’s business! His favorite subject is Math (shocker!! His momma always loved it and his Daddy’s and Engineer!) he’s coming home with algebra problems and dudes in Kindergarten!! Ca-razy!! He is reading like a champ and writing very well also. He LOVES to sing, I mean Loooooooves!! It’s kind of the most adorable thing you’ve ever seen… Ever!

He is definitely a computer/video game kid. He’s mad about his Wii and begs to play every chance he gets. He runs and wrestles with our dogs and loves them to no end. He’s still crazy about basketball and is back to picking up the golf clubs, much to his daddy’s joy!

He’s tall, so very tall. He’s handsome and sweet and smart and kind. He makes me smile and laugh and fills our home with so much joy. He pretty much rocks our world.

I am busy with the normal mom stuff, running back and forth from school and to all the extra’s. Still running and biking and working out a lot. My November goal is a (minimum) of a 5k a day!! I competed in a few triathlons this summer and loved them, looking forward to spring and tri season again… Until then it’s all running races though!! Lots of little races and maybe a few half marathons leading up to a full (26.2)!! I’m also doing a few century bike rides (that’s 100 mile rides).

Well, off to play a little Wii with the Weeble before bed time…


1 comment:

  1. Thank-You for the update. Greyson,I bet you do soooooo good at math. When your Mommy was a little girl, she would choose a math workbook that you could buy at the store instead of a toy!!!! Wow, algerbra already, you must be in an advanced class. Do you like to read? Grandma loves to read! What is your favorite song to sing; maybe Mommy can video it and put it on your blog, that would be so cute.
    Heather, I can see that you are keeping busy and you sound happy. I am so glad! I never really liked to run but your Grandma Mishler absolutly loved to run! She told me that when she was young she used to run for the pure joy of it. I have a little girl on my bus and she reminds me so much of you when you were little, funny and sweet and kind to all. Hope you are having a wonderful day.
    Hugs and Kisses to you both,I yearn to see you both and I'm sending all my love, Momma and Grandma
