Friday, February 17, 2012

Week One - Instagram...

So... I have a new obsession and I just found it this morning... yeah, I work fast with my obsessions!! How I've lived under a rock for so long to not have already had this obsession is BEYOND me, but I've finally crawled out and am in the trenches, which I guess is crawling back in, but whatever, it's fun down here with all the photo goodness and moods and looks, and old-timey-ness and hey Polaroid and Oh.Wow.How.Did.I.Ever.Live.With.OUT.This!?!?!?!

Yes, it's an app for my phone. Instagram - how I love thee...

So here is week one of what I plan (ha!) on making a weekly (bi-weekly? daily? monthly? yearly? whenever the mood strikes?) feature... :) Enjoy!

Yup... that's my kid holding a goat...

The picture is awesome-sauce in feel...

Not so awesome-sauce in germs - I don't do petting zoo's and can promise you I was not on the school premise when this little beauty happened, but Greyson loved it!! He also held a pig and a rabbit and his teachers thought it HIGH-larious to text me the pictures because they like to make me throw-up in my mouth a little bit, but also, because look at that grin... He was so HAPPY. The goat (pig and rabbit) not so much... But Greyson - he was all about the petting zoo... EWWWW!! :)

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