Life as it usually does has recently (always) had a way of slipping away from me. We're back in the hustle and bustle of school, packing lunches, driving to and from, homework, dinner, etc... etc... etc... until we fall to bed exhausted and all "Whoa, it's already Monday (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday) again? Huh??" and on and on until today when it hit me that in 3 short weeks, Greyson will be 7. Excuse me, what exactly did I just type? 7, as in SEVEN... ah yes, he'll be 7 which means I'm like 112... and need a nap.
In un-related news (to my whoa is me my baby is SEVEN!!) we have kind of a health update, if by update you mean, watch Greyson's mom beat her head into this brick wall repeatedly...
All tests have come back normal - Yay, except for not because all symptoms are still present. We saw the GI again today and honestly I think she was just having a really bad day, we were there for about 67 hours and she seemed really unsure and frazzled and so I want to give her the benefit of the doubt because at our first appointment she totally rocked my socks. We're scheduled for an Upper GI on the the 19th, which annoys me because while it will be nice to rule out Ulcers - HE HAS NO SYMPTOMS OF ULCERS!!! Aaaargh!!! I above anyone don't want to do super invasive tests on my son, I get that. However there comes a point and time where it's like, now you're just grasping straws, do the freaking colonoscopy or manometry test already and lets figure this out, at the end of the day if it comes down to, "Hey, this is just how Greyson's body works and we can handle it with the following diet and meds" I will be so A-ok with that and we'll deal, but what I don't want to happen is years from now we go, "Oh bummer, so wish we would have done those test that could have prevented your kid now having to have a colostomy bag for the rest of his life" and yes, I realize that is probably being a little over the top, but I'm OVER my kid hurting... I'd rather be like, "well we did those tests and now we know for sure" over worrying every day forever and ever that we're not helping him get better and potentially making him worse...
At least he is still cute as can be and the most awesome thing to ever happen... EVER!
Phineas and Ferb are most definitely in the top 10 of most awesome things to ever happen...
Hi Sweetie, I dont blame you for having the test done,and I understand why you are nervous about the test but you have a good head on your shoulders and will know the right thing to do! Mommas are good at that1 I do believe that if its possible Greyson is getting cuter and taller every day and the fact that my youngest Grandchild is going to be seven makes me ancient!! I love you all hugs and Kisses, Grandma and Momma