Tuesday, October 9, 2012

New School – Whoa!!

Last week was Greyson’s 1st week at his new school, and honestly it already feels like we’ve been there forever. He has been such a rock star and is SO excited to get up every morning and head to school. It is a bit of a drive, about 25 minutes each way, but worth it. His old school was 9-4:00, this one is 8-2:30, which even though that means he’s up at 6:00, the out at 2:30 is making our life pretty dreamy!! I love, LOVE the extra time I’m getting with him every afternoon!! Before it was always a rush to do homework and get dinner ready, now we have time to spend on homework (which we need!! More on that later!) and we still have time to play before I need to start dinner, and that my friends is excellent!!

Speaking of homework, hello crazy whoa!! Greyson was head of his class in his old school, could pretty much sit down and rock out his homework on his own and be done in 10 minutes – those days are gone. The curriculum is definitely more advanced, especially in reading, writing and vocabulary. I mean a few of his spelling words this week are: people, important and farewell – not easy words by any stretch, and the reading and writing every night about what we are reading - keeps us super busy for sure! Math Greyson still finds ridiculously easy and a week and a half in, his teacher is working hard at keeping him challenged and still maintaining the concept learning. Honestly though I’m almost thankful now that math is his one easy breezy subject!! Science and Social Studies are also two subjects that are focused on much more, we have our first big project due in 2 weeks!! It’s a life in the past poster project and I’m super excited to help him do the research and start creating his poster!

As for me – well I’ve adjusted pretty well. It was hard to leave the people (well, some people – ha ha!!) so I made the decision that I would jump in and get as involved as possible… Ha!! I’m now on the board of the PTO and have volunteered multiple times in Greyson’s classroom!! Yesterday his teacher came out to traffic circle (pick-up) with Greyson with a garbage bag full of empty water bottles for me to take home to make “shakers” for Friday’s pep-rallly, we’re decorating the bottles tomorrow, and yes, I have volunteered to help organize a decorating table!! I have 2 major fundraiser’s to start planning and so far today have received about 15 e-mails from the other moms on the PTO board. So yeah, I’m thinking you could say I jumped in with both feet and got involved! I kind of love it though and am super excited!!

At the end of the day Greyson is THRIVING in the new environment and that is all this momma cares about!!

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad to hear that your new school is so much fun and it sounds more advanced than your other school. You will be able to write Grandma letters before long with those spelling words that you have. I'm also glad for the mommy time that you can enjoy! I am so proud of your mommy for getting so involved in your school; it will keep you safe and sound! Hugs and Hugs to you all, Love Grandma
