Monday, January 29, 2007

Random thoughts of a very tired Mama....

Long gone are the days of “stay here baby”, where one could lay their child on a blanket on the floor, return 2 minutes later and be overjoyed if said child had moved even an inch.

Long gone are the days of “we’re going to wear this today”, where one could pick any random outfit out of the closet and clothe her child in less than 5 minutes.

Long gone are the days of “ok, let’s go inside now” where one could simply walk back in the front door carrying a happy bundle of baby, not a screaming, flailing, very upset toddler.

Long gone are the days of “open wide for more bites” where one could simply spoon feed her open mouthed, eagerly anticipating the next bite child.

Long gone are the simple days…… we have found a little known facet of life called “INDEPENDENCE”, and we’re good at it.

How can someone so cute, morph into such a pain the patooty?

How can someone who just threw every last piece of food off of his tray, after you’ve said “NO” 6 billion times, still make you smile with that devilish grin he has? (So much for mommy’s stern face of authority – I’m weak in the shadow of his cuteness!)

How can someone be so clever at not quite 16 months of age that he’s managed to outsmart and outmaneuver both of his parents by 5:30?

How can I fall even more in love with this little one each and every day?

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