Thursday, February 8, 2007

A lesson in snot….

How do you teach a toddler to blow? I look at my son, my adorable son, and cringe at the sight of thick, greenish, snot sliding out both nostrils; I dash for a Kleenex only to get to him 1.4 seconds too late. He’s already ran his hand through it and now its spread. Spread to his cheeks, his hair, in his ear. A battle ensues as I try to wipe his already chapped face free of super glueish snot. His nose is tender and runny, his cough is wet and chunky sounding, and I am at a loss on how to teach him to spit out what he coughs up and blow his little nose free. It sucks…..

On the upside, my dear friend Charlotte has recommended some wonderful sounding products: I have placed my order and of course even with expedited shipping my son will surely be well by the time they get here. Be warned next cold, I’ve stocked up on what will cure you!!

The picture is proof that the child is adorable, cold or no cold…..

1 comment:

  1. Grandma is so sorry that you are sick with a cold. Sounds like mommy has things under control, except for your fast little hands, sorry no good advice for that little problem. I love the picture that you posted. Maybe you could send me a 4x6 or a 5x7 of that one. He is just to cute and you portrait photography is really great. I'm very proud of you. I hope you get feeling better real soon Greyson. I love you sooooo much and your Mommy to!!
    Love, Grandma and Mom
