Saturday, November 24, 2007


I'm sorry it's been so long since my last post.... I wish I had a very exciting reason for my absence but there really hasn't been anything going on, we've just simply been busy living, I guess?

Anyway, here are a couple of super cute pictures of the Weeble Wobble in Footy PJ's, there is nothing cuter than footy-jams, unfortunately, Weebs is like his mommy and doesn't not like anything on his feet, so we don't put them on him often.... they're so cute though!! Enjoy!

"Hello, Blueberry", "Hello", "How are you this morning?"

Weeble and his bear both saying "CHEESE!!!"
Mom, I'm trying to have a conversation between bears here.... puhhhleeeeaasssse!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Everyone, Thank-You for these cute pictures of our cute little star attraction! Grandma loves footie P.J's also, at least the way they look, but Grandma hates having my feet get hot too!!! Thank-You also for the pictures that I received in the mail. I really love them. You are soooo handsome. Sometimes I can see your Mommy in some of your little expresions. I love you both very much and hope to be able to see you. All my love to you both! Love, Grandma and Mom
