Today's Fashion Feature comes with a little live action from the park! It's a beautiful sunny and warm day here in Florida, we were actually dressed too warm and all the tourists who were splashing in the ocean by this park thought we were crazy for being in long sleeves and jeans! But, we couldn't believe they were out in that freezing ocean water!
Friday, February 29, 2008
Friday's Fashion Feature!
Today's Fashion Feature comes with a little live action from the park! It's a beautiful sunny and warm day here in Florida, we were actually dressed too warm and all the tourists who were splashing in the ocean by this park thought we were crazy for being in long sleeves and jeans! But, we couldn't believe they were out in that freezing ocean water!
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Monday, February 25, 2008
Feeling Better
Enjoy the bath time photo's!
(Left, intent on filling up his bottle. Top Right, Say Cheese! Middle Right, attempting a bubble beard. Bottom Right, He was playing Soapy Monster Hands!)
Luckily I think the worst has passed, but this morning Greyson was one sick and puke-y baby. It’s the worst thing in the world, he gets so panicked and worried and you can only hold him and tell him it’s going to be ok, while trying to catch the puke in a bowl/towel/your own shirt or whatever is close and can be washed. Which leads to the laundry… by noon I had done about 7 loads and had 3 more baskets lined up and ready to go. Talk about yuck!
Needless to say, he’s been just laying around trying to feel better and I’ve been cleaning and disinfecting everything he’s touched, breathed on, or looked at. He did manage to eat some crackers, banana and Gatorade a few hours ago and so far so good. Here’s to hoping the worst has past…
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Friday, February 22, 2008
Friday's Fashion Feature!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Monday, February 18, 2008
Puzzle Time!
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Friday, February 15, 2008
Friday's Fashion Feature
Monday, February 11, 2008
Seeing Double...
Here are a few snapshots from the night. I think Lain just might be Greyson’s first crush!
Friday, February 8, 2008
Friday's Fashion Feature!
The pictures were actually taken after nap time, so it’s more of a rumpled fashion feature!
Knee Update: Everything seems to be fine. He’s yet to say anything about them since being at the Dr.!!
Thursday, February 7, 2008
In doing a little research, and mostly because Greg remembered reading a blurb about it somewhere, I have learned that babies, while born with knee caps, they are made of mostly cartilage. Ossification actually happens later in a toddler/child's life typically happening between the ages of 2-6. Boys typically tend to be on the later side of that scale, but I can't help but wonder if maybe Greyson's pains are coming from the ossification of his knee caps??? Maybe??
Anyway, the update is that since being at the Dr.'s he has not once said that his knees hurt. No fevers, no rashes, no nothing. So that's good.
I'll definitely keep an eye on him, but for now I'm chalking this whole mommy-hood lesson up to growing pains/ossification, and a mother's ability to panic like no other.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
On bended knee...
It’s a sentence I’ve heard quite often the past couple of weeks. At first you scoop him up and give him a kiss and send him on his way, but then you realize, he’s been saying that a lot. You notice him slowing down and setting off by himself, holding his knees. “What’s wrong buddy?” you ask, “Knees hurt Mama, knees hurt.”
So you start to worry and then you tell yourself your insane there is noting wrong with your child, he’s two, he’s a rough and tumble boy of course his knees hurt! You go ahead and call the pediatrician in the morning, you assume they’ll call you back, tell you that you’re crazy and you’ll go meet up with the girls at the park and walk. The phone rings and you’re told to come in the office as soon as possible. In the time it takes you to hang up the phone and call your husband, you’re hysterical, tears streaming down your face as you picture your child suffering from some sort of rare bone cancer. You rush around the house in slow motion getting ready for the trip to the Dr. When you get there you judge every look, every comment. The check-in girl is extra sweet; you take it as sign that she knows something you don’t. Has word spread around the office that your child is super ill, so be extra nice. They call his name you walk down the hall as if the execution chair is behind exam room #2’s door.
As you answer all the questions the sick feeling in your stomach gets worse and worse, a second then third doctor are brought in, your fears become higher and higher. Seconds tick by like hours, every glance, sigh, and look seems to be leading to the worst possible news ever.
The doctor looks you straight in the eye and says, “Our best guess is that he’s suffering from……………. growing pains.”
(Whew….. you start to breathe again)
We do want you to really keep track this week though, of times, length of complaint, etc… check for fevers, rashes, any changes in anything that seem to be not normal. If he’s still complaining next week, we’ll go ahead and run some other tests to rule out any serious issues.
On one had you are thrilled that there is nothing wrong with your child, on the other hand there is this nagging voice that says that there are still serious issues to be ruled out. So for the next week, I’m bound to be completely neurotic and over analyzing and down right annoying, but then again, that’s Mommy-Hood.
Friday, February 1, 2008
Thank You!
Friday’s Fashion Feature
The Weeble has a cold.