It was a blur of very little sleep, and by very little I’m talking maybe 45 minutes in a 49 HOUR time span!! But man was it worth it!! Getting to meet and run with Bart Yasso – priceless!! Being surrounded by 6,000 (+) other crazy runners – I can’t even describe the energy!! Going through the Everglades in the middle of the night with nothing but a head lamp and full moon – incredible!! Best race weekend ever, can’t wait to do it again. The best part of it all though – coming home to the arms and kisses of my boys, especially my Greyson… Oh, how I missed him… Even though I really did have an incredible time, and fun beyond fun, there was a part of me missing, that blue-eyed, cheesy grinned, silly, sweet, best hugs ever part… 5 days away was too long for this momma!! The boys on the other hand, missed me, but obviously had a grand old time and managed just fine without me!!
Oh yeah... that's me just taking a picture with BART Y.A.S.S.O.!!!!
It sounds like you had fun. Love, Mom