Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Dear Greyson...

Hey Buddy...

I said to you tonight, "Tell me a story." as we rocked before bed time.  "A real one or a make believe one?" you asked...

"You decide."

You went on to tell the tale of your first day of Kindergarten, how you were nervous, because you didn't know what to do, but you had fun.  How you forgot your friends names and got scared, but then remembered them, "and then you came and picked me up" you said, "and I knew everything was going to be great!"

and I knew exactly what you meant.  There was a time when I was nervous, I didn't know how to be a mom or what to do, worried that I would forget to do the things you needed, and scared I would do them wrong.  But then, they put you in my arms and in that very moment I knew everything was going to be great!

The very first time we met...
 Momma's face was large and in charge!! Whoa!!

You were only 2 days old in this picture... The first time I laid you in your crib.  With all that hair (and chub - not shown) you looked like a 2 month old.  In fact when we left the hospital the nurses all said that you only looked like a newborn for a few hours... and they were right!!
 and this has always just been a favorite...
I love you my little Love Bug, my weeble wobble, my bug-a-boo, my Greyson Lee... 

1 comment:

  1. Cute pictures. Amazing how fast they grow.
