Thursday, May 10, 2012

Summer Plans, Summer Plans, Sum, Sum, Summer Plans!!

If you didn't sing that title... go back and try again...

3 weeks little man!  3 weeks until our EPIC summer of fun 2012 begins.  Dude. We have PLANS!!  Huge great big, fun filled plans!!

I love you Greyson!

By the way - your daddy - he's pretty much the greatest thing ever.  Not only does he love the both of us more than anything in the world - he's the one that makes sure that we get to have EPIC summer fun, and for that there are no words.  He gives us a pretty awesome life!!  We love him lots and lots and lots!!  xoxox

1 comment:

  1. I know that my summer will be a summer of adjusting for us and our family, but I'm anxious to live vicariously through the fun things you have planned! Bring on the Summer Fun!
