Sunday, December 30, 2007

A year in review...

2007 is coming to an end, so I thought a year in review done video style was only appropriate.


Wednesday, December 26, 2007

A year of blogging…

I realized today, that I have been blogging at Mommy-hood 101 for a full year today! Happy anniversary to me!

I have had a blast today strolling down memory lane, watching him grow and change through the picture and video updates. It’s been a fabulous year and I’m so happy to have the highlights, a few lowlights and a lot of random things that would have easily been lost had I not recorded them here.

I can’t believe it’s been a year. Time sure does fly...

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Yum! This stuff tastes great!!

Weeble Wobble has found, and fallen in love with….. Chapstick!
This look says, "I totally just got away with playing with your chapstick, and because I'm so cute I'll be able to do it again!" And.... he's right.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Well, Croup....

Greyson has the croup!

Sounds dramatic huh?

Yeah, that’s what I though too, at 5:00 in the morning as I huddled down by the night light (not wanting to wake anyone with “real” lights) to read in my ever trusty baby illness book. All the symptoms were there, sudden on-set, bark like cough, yes, he had THE CROUP! Three nervously paced hours later (ok, not really I went back to bed) I called the Doctor.

Me: Yes, Greyson has a bark like cough – I think he has the croup!!!

Nurse: Is he running a fever?

Me: No, but I only took it with one of those ear thermometers, and those sometimes are not real accurate, but he doesn’t feel warm like he’s running a fever, but I guess he could be….

Nurse: (Interrupting my fever ramble) Does he have a runny nose, pulling on his ears, any other cold symptoms?

Me: Well, he had a runny nose last week but that’s gone now, and he’s teething right now so I attributed all of his cold symptoms to that, but they are gone now, so no, no and no.

Nurse: Ok, well why don’t you bring him in today, what time can be here?

Me: (Panic ensues; they want me to bring him in – right away? Oh No! The croup is serious!!!) Um…. I can be there in 20 minutes, is this serious? Is he going to be ok?

Nurse: (Totally cracking up) No, no sweetie don’t worry, it does just sound like croup (she left off “the”, which makes it sound less threatening) I just know how scary croup can sound the first time, let’s just bring him in so we can make sure that’s all it is, and give mom a little piece of mind. (i.e. – come on in with your not sick child so we can have your co-pay and your insurance company to keep our doctor’s BMW full of premium gas, and we’ll spend 5 minutes with you telling you to put your child under a humidifier, which I could tell you on the phone, but we love your money). Can you be here at 2:10?

Me: We’ll be there, see you soon!

What have I learned from this story? Croup sounds way more scary if you say THE CROUP, in reality croup, is a simple cold in the larynx or voice box, it can last a few days or a couple of weeks, and is not all that serious, unless it get’s so bad that major coughing fits happen or if accompanied by a fever of 104. (Let me just state now that if Greyson ever has a fever even close to 104 – he’ll be in the emergency room with a totally freaked out Mommy). The best thing to do for croup, is a cool mist humidifier and lots of love.

Oh, and I have also learned that I’m happy to pay my “peace of mind co-payment” any day of the week, rather than sit home and worry myself to death that my baby will die from THE croup. So yeah, I’m a sucker – oh well.

Feel better soon my sweet little barky baby.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

2 years, 2 months and 8 days...

It’s official, Greyson is done nursing.

I want to cry.

I’m happy.

I want to cry.

In one way I was done too, I was ready, it was time. In another way it breaks my heart to a million little pieces. I know that our nursing time, all 2 years, 2 months and 8 days of it, gave us a bond like no other, I know that him not nursing does not mean that he doesn’t need me, but the change seems to have come with others that assert his independence and his far steps away from baby boy to big boy. He doesn’t need me to rock him to sleep, he’s excited to get into his crib and say “nigh, nigh, mommy”. He likes to lie down while I snuggle him under his covers, his eyes still wide, watching me leave the room. He spends more time playing on his own, the wheels of his imagination running wild and not needing me to entertain him. I love it and I’m so proud, and yet my heart aches for those quiet moments, rocking in the chair, looking down at my sweet baby boy nursing, one hand tucked behind my back, the other resting near my collar bone. I miss those close snuggles and knowing that I could provide him with not only nourishment, but the ultimate comfort.

No matter how big he get’s he’ll always be my little boy. Never in a million years did I think I would nurse him this long, but I’m so thankful for everyday that I did. I often tried to remind myself in the middle of the night, during the 27th feeding, that soon the days would be over when he was nursing, I didn’t realize how true that was. It was faster than a blink of an eye, and now my big boy no longer needs his nursey’s.

Thank goodness I’m still needed to kiss boo boo’s…..

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Here is a cute clip of Greyson from this morning. The lighting is terrible, but if you turn up your volume (sorry, I'll be really loud, but it has to be up to hear him) you'll get to hear his musical talent and also get a kick out of how silly he is!


Sunday, December 2, 2007


Some of the games we play with Greyson are getting old, and while he still loves them, I’m getting bored. How many times can he show me where his nose is?? We’ve gone so far as to branch out to obscure body parts such as armpits and ankles, and now he says most of the parts as he points them out, but yet I still find myself searching for a way to make the game more entertaining for me. In my quest to liven this game of question and point, being played for the umpteenth time, Greyson created a moment I will giggle and laugh and smile about for the rest of my life….

After pointing out every single body part known to man, I decided I’d try to stump him.

“Ok wise guy, where is your smile?”

Pause…. I could see the little wheels turning, his hand flinched a time or two as if he’d point to his mouth, and then he turned to face me dead on, his baby blues twinkling with the knowledge that silly old mom couldn’t out smart him and simply said….


Come to think of it, that games not so bad after all…..

Monday, November 26, 2007

An Afternoon with Dad...

Weeble Wobble and Daddy were out playing this afternoon, the usual boy stuff, basketball, hitting golf balls (which makes daddy the proudest), swinging, sliding, bike riding, ORANGE COLA drinking!!! You know the usual??

Look at this face?!?!

The Orange Soda glazed over look....

I'm not sure what this face is saying.... but it's SOOO funny!!

Saturday, November 24, 2007


I'm sorry it's been so long since my last post.... I wish I had a very exciting reason for my absence but there really hasn't been anything going on, we've just simply been busy living, I guess?

Anyway, here are a couple of super cute pictures of the Weeble Wobble in Footy PJ's, there is nothing cuter than footy-jams, unfortunately, Weebs is like his mommy and doesn't not like anything on his feet, so we don't put them on him often.... they're so cute though!! Enjoy!

"Hello, Blueberry", "Hello", "How are you this morning?"

Weeble and his bear both saying "CHEESE!!!"
Mom, I'm trying to have a conversation between bears here.... puhhhleeeeaasssse!!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

It's his path....

As a mother you try every day not to compare your child to other children, it’s the hardest thing in the world to not do. (Almost as hard as not eating homemade cookies or brownies, or anything that’s not good for you and in the cupboard, or shelves of a near by store!) You see other children and wonder how old they are, are they bigger, stronger, faster, smarter? If they are does it matter? Do you feel as if you are less of a parent or vice versa do you feel like more of a parent if you feel that your child is the biggest, strongest, fastest, smartest? It’s so draining and so annoying. I try so hard to not be that mother, yet I find those thoughts dancing in the recesses of my mind, flirting with full blown paranoia! In one breath you find yourself speaking confidently on where your child is, how smart he is, how big, how strong, how adorable, and then the next breath speaks of him taking his time, he’ll do it when he’s ready…. I annoy myself. I strive to be the mother who lives in the moment. Who celebrates each single new thing done, who doesn’t look for the next big milestone or push to get there. I’m told everyday that in a blink of an eye he’ll be a man and I know that it’s true. The last two years have flown by and I wonder if I really did enjoy them as much as I could have. Did I hold him enough in the middle of the night, did I spend enough time just watching him sleep, did he laugh enough, did I laugh enough? I want to make sure that I enjoy each moment, every single moment, rather than waiting for the next big milestone.I’m lucky enough to be home with my child, I’m lucky enough to be with him all day, every day. I want to start each day fresh, knowing that something new will happen and I’m lucky enough to see it, experience it, and know about it. I want to let go of the “when will he do this” and enjoy the “look at what he just did”. I want to let go of the hurry up we’ve got a schedule to keep and embrace the moments of chaos, the craziness of lunch time and getting dressed, the cute little tushy that runs from me at bath time, the puddles of splashed water, the extra story at bed time. Before I know it, I won’t be part of those moments, will I look back and feel bad for not enjoying each moment, will I think I was in too big of hurry for him to “grow up and do something new”?? I sure hope not. I know that hours turn into days and days into weeks, weeks into months, and then years. I hope that I can beat the questions, honestly believe and trust in the fact that every day he is meeting a milestone, that the big ones will come when they come, and to stop obsessing… He definitely walks his own path and in doing so he’s teaching his Mama quite a few valuable lessons. I love you little Weeble Wobble, so very very much!!!


Yesterday my friend Judy came up, and we took Weeble Wobble to the zoo! It truly could not have been a more perfect day. The weather was perfect, Weeble was in a fantastic mood, and all the animals were out and about! It was truly a great success! Here are a few snapshots from our day…

Weeble Wobble and Mommy with the elephants! We even got to see the elephant's eat and drink! It was so cool!

Weeble petting the goats! I didn't even freak out (ok, well a little, but I was all better after we had his hands scrubbed clean....)

Weeble letting mommy take advantage of a perfect photo-op!

Weeble rode the elephant on the carousal!!

Weeble came home with this super cute Lion mask!! He's so funny, he loves to put it on and run around the house saying "Roarrrr!!"

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

No words...

There are moments when his cuteness is beyond words…..

See what I mean??

Monday, November 5, 2007

Video Post!!

The Velveteen Rabbit….

The windows are open, the fresh air smells and feels so good after months and months of air-conditioning, it’s just a bit chilly, but the kind of chilly that feels so good. Sunshine pours through the windows and if you happen to step in a patch of it, it’s warm (the perfect place for your toes). We sit in the rocking chair, a quilt across our laps, and I begin to read “The Velveteen Rabbit”, I’m not sure if it’s the story, the fact that it’s nap time, the atmosphere or the voice I use, but before the boy even leaves the rabbit in the garden, he’s asleep. It happens every time. I could read fifty books before, or none. It doesn’t matter, it’s “The Velveteen Rabbit” that knocks him out, but, only for nap time – it doesn’t work at bed time at all?! Weird huh? I always finish the story, even though he’s fast asleep and it’s one of our longer books, I never skip a page, a sentence, a word. We read about when the boy forgets the rabbit, and the rabbit becomes real, all the way to the boy coming home and finding his old friend in the woods. He sleeps through the last several pages, I settle him into the crib and he always reaches up for his bear, his version of the “velveteen rabbit”, cuddles in and stays asleep. I love these moments, I love being a mom.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Letting Go….

I sit here tonight, listening to the sounds of my husband giving Weeble Wobble his bath, I can hear them sing silly songs, count, talk about letters and colors. I hear Greg tell him that he needs to wash his belly and behind his ears, I hear them talk about brushing teeth, rinse, gargle and spit. Soon I know I’ll hear the sounds of bedtime stories, last kisses good night and Greg closing the bedroom door. I’m not part of it, and it’s breaking my heart. Greg has taken over Greyson’s night time routine, mostly in an effort to cut out that bedtime nursing session, and because Greyson does need to be put to bed by more than just mommy. I know that in a week or so once he’s adjusted I’ll be able to step back in and take my turns at the night night routine, and that for now I just need to stay out of sight or Greyson will want me and it makes it worse, but it’s literally killing me. It’s one of those moments where as a mother you are proud and happy that your child is growing and taking the necessary steps to his own independence, but that act of letting go makes you feel helpless, like part of you is missing. I ache to go in and hold him, I go to sleep at night hoping that he’ll wake up (after months of praying he’d sleep through the night!!!) so that I can go in and do what I do best – comfort, hold, cuddle, soothe. My arms literally ache, I can feel them twitch with the need to hold my son. I hate this. I hate letting go and I know it’s just the beginning…

Good night sweet boy, mommy will see you in the morning, when I’ll hug you a little tighter and snuggle you a little longer and probably throw in a couple of extra kisses too!

Friday, October 26, 2007

Photo Shoot!

Yesterday was a cool, crisp (ok, it was like 75) Florida fall day. Greyson and I played outside and he finally got to wear jeans and a long sleeve shirt!! Enjoy the photo's!!

We were trying to find shapes in the clouds, we think we may have seen Mickey Mouse and Pluto too!!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Still in your PJ's? We are too!!

Unless we have some place to be, Greyson tends to run around in his PJ's for a big part of the day (ok - until after his nap, which tends to last until 3:30ish!!). I'm not sure what it is about me and PJ's but if we're home, we're in them. I do it too! We go out, we get dressed up, we come home and PJ's it is! But then again, when his PJ's are as cute as these adorable organic cotton (love it) set I found, why change him - he's SOOOO cute in them!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Say It Right.....

I’ve noticed that the little weeble wobble (aka: Greyson) has a bit of a perfectionist attitude, or maybe it’s more that he is just very intent on doing things correctly. It shows the most with his talking. We will introduce a new word to him and you can literally watch him process the word before he says it, practice the word silently as if to just get the mouth motion right and then when no one is looking he will attempt it. It’s as if he thinks if I get it right they will notice, but if I don’t they’ll just think I’m babbling. It’s so funny!! Today we were looking at a picture that had 2 boats and 3 fish in a line, fish, boat, fish, boat, fish. He says fish (ishhhhhh) all the time, but has yet to say boat.

So I went through the process of teaching him boat, “ba ba ba – ooouuuut, ba ooouuuut, boat! Say boat for mommy, say boat.”

He was in my lap and I could see his profile, I watched as his little lips puckered and moved, I waited as he processed the word boat in his mind.

Again we started down the line,

“What’s this Greyson?”


“Very Good! Now, what’s this?”


“It’s a boat, can you say boat? Ba – ooouuuuuuut, Boat!”

(nothing – moving on)

“What’s this?”


“Very Good! What’s next?”


“That is a boat, What’s next?”


“Oh so good, thanks for helping mommy figure this out, what else can we see today?”

Pause…. Pause….. pause….


Ta da!!! When you least expect it, he figures he’s had enough practice time and out pops boat!! He’s such a goober, and later ran from the room singing "boat, boat, boat!"

Saturday, October 20, 2007


Yesterday was Greyson’s 2 year check-up. He is weighing in at 30.5 lbs (a 4.5 pound gain in the last 6 months) putting him in the 85th percentile for weight, and is WAY off the charts in height at 37 inches!! (That’s a 2 inch gain in the last 6 months) So, needless to say he’s growing just fine.

The doctor was very impressed with his language skills and how very smart he is, super impressed with his toilet training progress, and amazingly impressed by his handsome good looks. Everything looks great and we don’t have to go back for a year unless something comes up! Whew!

Mommy was very impressed with Greyson’s behavior at the Doctor this time around, the last few appointments have been full of fear and tears and not letting the Dr. even get close. Yesterday, Greyson fully cooperated, letting the Dr. look in his eyes, ears, nose and throat. Letting the Dr. listen to his lungs and heart and completely check him over. He didn’t cry (well, not until the shot) didn’t fuss and was not at all clingy. I was so proud of his bravery. He’s becoming quite the little man.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Have you ever....

been this tired?

Yes, Greyson Lee fell asleep while eating lunch today..... is that cute or what?

Thursday, October 11, 2007

What's Up?

I’ve always made an effort to keep track of the things Greyson is doing at different stages of his life, it seems to get harder and harder with the older he gets to take the time to make lists and keep everything organized of each new word, phrase, sentence he says, each new milestone, silly moment, or brilliant thing he does. So, I’m taking some time today to list the things he’s doing at 2. (I still can’t believe that he’s two!!)

He loves, loves, loves the color blue. Everything is Blue, Blue and Blue. “What would you like to wear today Greyson?” “BLUE!!” “Which cup would you like to use Greyson?” “BLUE!!” “What color is this banana Greyson?” “BLUE!!!” It’s quite funny, the boy loves his blue!

He’s also pretty crazy about the number 3. Everything is three, “How many ice cubes in your Sippy?” “THREE!!”

He thinks “Please” is the magic word. (ok, ok, most times it is.) “No baby, you can’t have that.” “Please?” “No” “Please, Please” “No” “PLEEEEAAAAASSSSEEE” “Oh, all right.”

When he needs help with something (his shoes put on, or a puzzle piece that’s stuck, etc..) He says, “Momma – Meeeeeeaaaa” sounds like he’s calling me Momma-Mia but I think it’s “Momma” and then he skips the word help and says “me.”

He now calls me, Mommy and Greg, Daddy. It’s so cute. He attempts to say Love You back at night but it comes out like, “Lub Lu” He’s crazy about stories at bedtime. We always end up reading at least six. He fights to stay awake so I’ll keep reading, it’s pretty funny.

He talks a ton now, and will wake up in the middle of the night and just babble all of his words, “Me Mommy Daddy Blue Ball More Home Outside Coke No Yeah Go Down Walk Stuck, and on and on and on…” It’s so funny to hear him in there at 3:00a.m. just practicing and practicing his words.

He’s still pretty crazy about the Backyardigans, and he’s over the moon for Diego and will run around the house yelling “GO GO!!”

He loves to be outside most of all, he’d sleep outside if we let him. He pushes his little mower, he rides his tricycle, and he’ll play with bubbles and sidewalk chalk, or chip golf balls. He just loves to be outside.

His sense of humor is developing everyday more and more, he laughs at things that are truly funny, he goes out of his way to do something silly to get a laugh, or will copy something that made us laugh earlier in the day. He’s still crazy about music and he still loves to dance.

I know there are million other things he’s doing, but these are the things that stand out tonight, they’re the everyday little things that I know if I don’t write them down, they’ll fade overtime, and they are moments that I definitely don’t want to fade…

Friday, October 5, 2007


And then he was two…..

I’m told to be ready for the terrible twos. When babies become toddlers, toddlers become kids and independence and the ability to throw tantrums is at an all time high. Everyone has a story or a tale of the frightful and often funny (of course only now in retrospect) things their terrible two year olds tried, started, accomplished, etc… I’m told to be prepared, decide upon and stick to your discipline techniques now, be prepared to not recognize your child!!

I’m scared.

So, here is my plan. I’m going to go into the “terrible twos” firmly believing that they are not all that terrible. I’m going to focus everyday on the awesome things that two brings, like, actual conversations with my son, time to do a few more things for myself as he’s now able to keep himself busy playing, the fun adventures we can now have because he’s old enough to go out and explore, the simple fact that he still likes his mommy to rock him to sleep at night, the fact that he still likes to cuddle up and watch cartoons, watching him laugh at something that truly is funny, the excitement we both feel as he learns colors, numbers, letters and shapes and all the little things he does each and every day that make me smile. I hope that I can really focus on these things each day, remembering more of the good things, rather than the tantrums, messes and tears.

So maybe I’m not so scared of the “terrible twos” after all, because really, I think they will be the “terrific twos”!!! Seriously – how can they not be when your little one is this cute?!!

Monday, October 1, 2007

It seems to be the question.... so here is my answer.

As we close in on the 2 year mark, I’m forced to think on one major question: To wean or not to wean?

If you would have told me 2 years ago that I would still be nursing Greyson, I would have laughed until my sides hurt and told you that you were crazy! I never in a million trillion years thought that I would turn out to be this mom, this nursing fiend of a mom. But, I am – and am I so very proud of myself for it.

I guess there really isn’t that much of a question in my mind as far as to wean or not to wean; I’ve decided that Greyson and I will follow what’s known as child-lead-weaning or CLW. However, I do feel that it’s time to lead Greyson, towards the final goal of being completely weaned – I have no set date or time, that will just come as it does. It does seem to be though, that every single soul I meet has a different opinion, and they are oh so happy to share it.

It’s disheartening to know that I am in the minority when it comes to breastfeeding. Through my experiences I am shocked, and sadly enough, mostly by other mothers opinions of breastfeeding. Between 0-6 months I was pleased to find that 95% of the people I told that Greyson was nursing were supportive, between 6-12 months that number dropped to probably close to 80%, still not bad. After that though it has been just plain sad, by 18 months the percentage of supportive people had dropped to probably less than 30% and at 2 years, the percentage of supportive people is less than 5%. I don’t understand this thinking, especially when it comes from other mothers. How could anyone, deny the benefits of breast milk. How could anyone choose to deny their child, or tell me that I should deny my child the comfort of nursing, the bonding time that nursing still provides for Greyson and me? Why is it that our country is the only country in the world where its “abnormal” to breast feed your child over a year? Why would any woman, mother, sister, or daughter cast a dirty look, make a rude comment, or place judgment on another woman for simply feeding her baby in the way that was intended, after all that is what our breast’s are for. I think as a society we often forget that women’s bodies were created to grow, nurture, and provide for our children, not fill out low cut sweaters and fit into skinny jeans.

All I ask is this, I won’t tell you how to feed your child, please don’t make judgments on how I feed mine.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Recently I’ve given a lot of thought to the differences and similarities of the parent I thought I’d be and the parent that I am. I can remember while pregnant the rules I thought I’d live by, the mother code I thought I’d follow. It’s interesting to look back now and see what things stayed true and what things quickly fell apart.

While pregnant I swore up and down that Greyson would not ever have a pacifier. He still sleeps with one every night.

While pregnant I was fairly certain I would only breastfeed until 6 months. He’ll be 2 next week and still nurses a few times a day.

While pregnant I thought our days would be full of play groups, mommy clubs, trips to the park, the zoo, the library. I thought that my house would be spotless, my child would be perfectly pressed, clean and always cooperative and chipper. (I’ll pause while you control your laughter….) In reality, laundry tends to stay a load or seven ahead of me, there are always crumbs under the highchair, even if I just mopped 2 minutes ago. Toys liter every square inch of our house, Greyson while always adorable is rarely perfectly pressed, without a smear of something somewhere, he’s mostly chipper and cooperative but in the moments when he’s not, he does his best to make up for the time that he was. We venture out as often as possible but days tend to turn into weeks and before you know it another week is gone and we’ve only gone to one play group.

With all of the differences and the things that turned out to be the same, there is one major difference. While pregnant I knew I would love being a mom, I knew I would love Greyson. I thought I knew how much, and I was so wrong. I love him and being a mom so much more. I love that motherhood turned out differently than I thought, because it’s so much more than I thought it would be. It’s more fun, even when we just stay home, it’s more rewarding, even when the laundry piles are as tall as I am, it’s more love, and acting silly, it’s more snuggles and giggles, it’s more late nights and early mornings that someday I’ll miss and long for, it’s more of everything and I couldn’t be a happier momma because of it.

So, to my sweet boy, who’s growing up way too fast, thank you for giving mommy so much “more”, you have enriched my life in every way.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The New Yankee...

Greg has a friend at work who is a huge Boston Red Sox fan – we’re talking, major major major fan! So, he obviously in not a fan of the New York Yankee’s. Greg and his friend find ways pretty much every day to razz one another over Yankee’s / Red Sox’s and it’s quite entertaining and lots of fun. So with out further explanation: Greyson has started being a total ham in front of the camera, really understanding that when mommy takes a picture he is supposed to smile! He tends to kick it up a notch though and rather than give us a super cute grin, we get these over the top, super silly and hilarious super smiles! He’s such a ham!!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Proud Momma Alert!!!

Greyson Lee is a potty training PRO!! I feel as if I have not done a thing to introduce the potty to him and that he’s the one who has really just grabbed the reins and figured it out. The last few days in an effort to make it easier for him (me) and because I have yet to go out and buy pull-ups or big boy under-oo’s! I have been letting the little man run around commando! He loves it and the huge bonus……. he is using the potty exclusively!! Today, he has run into the bathroom a number of times, shushing me out as I follow, to get up on his little step, pee in the potty, hop down, get some TP to wipe off and drips on the rim (yes, you read that right, he even cleans up after himself!!) then flushes, waves bye bye, and is off to the sink to wash his hands. Can you see why I’m so proud? To make this an even more interesting and proud blog – today for the first time, he went in, put the seat down, got his potty seat (the little seat that fits on the toilet type) and then called for me to help him up and he….. yep, he pooped in the potty!! Three Cheers for Greyson Lee, Hip Hip Hooray, Hip Hip Hooray, Hip Hip Hooray!!!!

Huh, who would have ever guessed that some day I would be blogging about my over excitement that my not quite two year old pooped in the potty??? Ah…. Mommy-hood, it rocks!

Our latest adventure....

We recently took a little trip to Orlando, Greg had a conference that was held at Disney’s Coronado Springs Resort, so obviously Greyson and I decided it was a must that we tag along! The resort was beautiful and other than Greyson and I getting a little sick and having to go to the Dr. (not fun) we had a pretty good time.
We didn’t get many pictures, but here is what we do have….

Greyson just loves room service breakfast!
This is at the main pool, all the kiddo’s loved to sit on this waterfall type structure, it was pretty cool and Greyson could have sat there for hours!!
Greyson was very taken with all the beautiful fountains!
We were on our way back from the pool when I snapped this picture of Greyson, someday he will hate me for it, but it’s SO funny – I just love it!!! (He was saying “CHEESE”!!!)