Thursday, August 30, 2007

Popsicle Connoisseur...

On the phone with my friend Wendy the other day, she mentioned how she and the Lain were outside eating popsicles. I thought it was brilliant and followed suit. The little man agrees and now has become a popsicle connoisseur, to date cherry is the favored flavor…

Friday, August 17, 2007

Shape Sort-in'

Greyson has been sorting shapes with his shape sorter for quite some time now, but just recently I have noticed how simple it seems to be for him - today with the camera ready, I said to him, "Hey buddy, let's see how fast you can sort these shapes!" and this is what happened!!


p.s. - Notice how he is using his left hand?!?!?

Thursday, August 16, 2007


So, it turns out that the boy has continued with his copy-cat ways.....

Lately I have been wearing a lot of headbands, therefore, Greyson has taken to them as well....

The other night I peeked in Greyson's room to find him reading his favorite bedtime story to his little bear...

Just a silly shot taken in the car - the boy is a total ham!

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Mommy-hood lesson # 9,478...

Saying goodbye to bite-size pieces.

Lately Greyson has been showing aversion to the way his dinner is artfully cut up into bite size, easy to swallow, non-choking hazard sized bites on his plate, and rather happy with the prospect of having a complete burger, hot dog, slice of pizza, chicken leg, steak, fully dressed turkey – you name it on his plate, with his own utensils and the free range to eat as an adult. It’s something that has taken some getting used to from my mommy perspective. I’m not sure if it’s just the habit of preparing bite size pieces, the thought that he’s too young to have his plate resembles his daddy’s or just my hope that he stays a baby forever, but last night as I watched my son devour a taco – yes a fully prepared taco I was amazed, proud, scared half to death, and a bit tickled!! The kid comes by it naturally as both his daddy and I love Mexican fare, but a taco – seriously??

Enjoy the pictures of the boy and his first “real” taco – he got it all down with hardly any mess!!
Yummy yummy - that is a good taco!