Monday, November 26, 2007

An Afternoon with Dad...

Weeble Wobble and Daddy were out playing this afternoon, the usual boy stuff, basketball, hitting golf balls (which makes daddy the proudest), swinging, sliding, bike riding, ORANGE COLA drinking!!! You know the usual??

Look at this face?!?!

The Orange Soda glazed over look....

I'm not sure what this face is saying.... but it's SOOO funny!!

Saturday, November 24, 2007


I'm sorry it's been so long since my last post.... I wish I had a very exciting reason for my absence but there really hasn't been anything going on, we've just simply been busy living, I guess?

Anyway, here are a couple of super cute pictures of the Weeble Wobble in Footy PJ's, there is nothing cuter than footy-jams, unfortunately, Weebs is like his mommy and doesn't not like anything on his feet, so we don't put them on him often.... they're so cute though!! Enjoy!

"Hello, Blueberry", "Hello", "How are you this morning?"

Weeble and his bear both saying "CHEESE!!!"
Mom, I'm trying to have a conversation between bears here.... puhhhleeeeaasssse!!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

It's his path....

As a mother you try every day not to compare your child to other children, it’s the hardest thing in the world to not do. (Almost as hard as not eating homemade cookies or brownies, or anything that’s not good for you and in the cupboard, or shelves of a near by store!) You see other children and wonder how old they are, are they bigger, stronger, faster, smarter? If they are does it matter? Do you feel as if you are less of a parent or vice versa do you feel like more of a parent if you feel that your child is the biggest, strongest, fastest, smartest? It’s so draining and so annoying. I try so hard to not be that mother, yet I find those thoughts dancing in the recesses of my mind, flirting with full blown paranoia! In one breath you find yourself speaking confidently on where your child is, how smart he is, how big, how strong, how adorable, and then the next breath speaks of him taking his time, he’ll do it when he’s ready…. I annoy myself. I strive to be the mother who lives in the moment. Who celebrates each single new thing done, who doesn’t look for the next big milestone or push to get there. I’m told everyday that in a blink of an eye he’ll be a man and I know that it’s true. The last two years have flown by and I wonder if I really did enjoy them as much as I could have. Did I hold him enough in the middle of the night, did I spend enough time just watching him sleep, did he laugh enough, did I laugh enough? I want to make sure that I enjoy each moment, every single moment, rather than waiting for the next big milestone.I’m lucky enough to be home with my child, I’m lucky enough to be with him all day, every day. I want to start each day fresh, knowing that something new will happen and I’m lucky enough to see it, experience it, and know about it. I want to let go of the “when will he do this” and enjoy the “look at what he just did”. I want to let go of the hurry up we’ve got a schedule to keep and embrace the moments of chaos, the craziness of lunch time and getting dressed, the cute little tushy that runs from me at bath time, the puddles of splashed water, the extra story at bed time. Before I know it, I won’t be part of those moments, will I look back and feel bad for not enjoying each moment, will I think I was in too big of hurry for him to “grow up and do something new”?? I sure hope not. I know that hours turn into days and days into weeks, weeks into months, and then years. I hope that I can beat the questions, honestly believe and trust in the fact that every day he is meeting a milestone, that the big ones will come when they come, and to stop obsessing… He definitely walks his own path and in doing so he’s teaching his Mama quite a few valuable lessons. I love you little Weeble Wobble, so very very much!!!


Yesterday my friend Judy came up, and we took Weeble Wobble to the zoo! It truly could not have been a more perfect day. The weather was perfect, Weeble was in a fantastic mood, and all the animals were out and about! It was truly a great success! Here are a few snapshots from our day…

Weeble Wobble and Mommy with the elephants! We even got to see the elephant's eat and drink! It was so cool!

Weeble petting the goats! I didn't even freak out (ok, well a little, but I was all better after we had his hands scrubbed clean....)

Weeble letting mommy take advantage of a perfect photo-op!

Weeble rode the elephant on the carousal!!

Weeble came home with this super cute Lion mask!! He's so funny, he loves to put it on and run around the house saying "Roarrrr!!"

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

No words...

There are moments when his cuteness is beyond words…..

See what I mean??

Monday, November 5, 2007

Video Post!!

The Velveteen Rabbit….

The windows are open, the fresh air smells and feels so good after months and months of air-conditioning, it’s just a bit chilly, but the kind of chilly that feels so good. Sunshine pours through the windows and if you happen to step in a patch of it, it’s warm (the perfect place for your toes). We sit in the rocking chair, a quilt across our laps, and I begin to read “The Velveteen Rabbit”, I’m not sure if it’s the story, the fact that it’s nap time, the atmosphere or the voice I use, but before the boy even leaves the rabbit in the garden, he’s asleep. It happens every time. I could read fifty books before, or none. It doesn’t matter, it’s “The Velveteen Rabbit” that knocks him out, but, only for nap time – it doesn’t work at bed time at all?! Weird huh? I always finish the story, even though he’s fast asleep and it’s one of our longer books, I never skip a page, a sentence, a word. We read about when the boy forgets the rabbit, and the rabbit becomes real, all the way to the boy coming home and finding his old friend in the woods. He sleeps through the last several pages, I settle him into the crib and he always reaches up for his bear, his version of the “velveteen rabbit”, cuddles in and stays asleep. I love these moments, I love being a mom.