Monday, June 20, 2011


Yes, He really IS this stinkin' cute... (sigh...)

both inside and out...

Sunday, June 19, 2011


This child is too much... Too much cuteness, too much sweetness, too much love and tender hearted-ness, too much laughter, too much care, too much good. And yet, this child is just right, perfection even. And oh, how I love him!!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Let's talk T-ball...

This spring we played our 3rd season of T-ball... We've had wonderful experience with the PAL league and T-ball up to this point and were excited to start another season... Then opening day rolled around and we just knew we were in for it... It was a rough season, we started with a coach who simply put, was not equipped to coach and finally about half way through the season he ended up being fired... yep, fired from a volunteer position... Also, Greyson was playing basketball at the same time and so we were tired to say the least, the broken finger kept him out of a few weeks worth of games and then... he got hit super hard running to second base and ended up with a severely sprained wrist that kept him out of the last 2 games... We were pretty glad when the season was over... We needed a break!! The biggest bummer was that our team was not told when photo day was so our entire team not only missed team photo's but individual photo's as well, so I did our team photo, but we didn't get the professional individuals like we have for every other season... bummer.

Even through the rough season though, Greyson was a trooper and he does still love the sport and is definitely progressing!! His fielding skills have come super far and he was one of the only kids on our team who could hit a pitched ball rather than hitting off of the tee... So more than likely when fall ball rolls around we'll be playing again... Just no double sports again, it was TOO much!!

Here are a few pics from opening day and the team photo I took at the end of the season... Enjoy!!

#10, which he thought was awesome!!

hustling for the ball...
hitting the pitch!!! Way to go baby!!
and yes... his pants crack me up in this photo too!!

the smile that makes it all worth it!

PAL Spring League - Team Stingrays!!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Spring Sports... Basketball

Greyson played basketball for the first time this spring, and he LOVED it!! He's practiced plenty with his daddy on our court so we knew he'd be good, he's got dribbling down and is a pretty good shot, he's also taller than most kids so he's all about blocking opposing shots and getting the rebounds!! It wasn't the best season we've had as far as sports, there were some parents on our team that really ruined the experience and then Greyson broke his finger which wasn't fun at all... but even with that, Greyson loved it and can't wait to play again...

baby's got mad dribbling skills...

Thumbs up!!!

and this happy face is why we do it...

Awe... He's too cute!!

Then there was the broken finger... Not cool... not cool at all! Although Greyson loved showing it off to his friends at school!!

In the end he got his trophy and really... that's all that matters!!

Look for a post soon on T-ball... It was our 3rd season and whew, it was an interesting season to say the least!!! Spring sports did not like us much this year, but we got through it!!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

and just like that my baby graduated from pre-school...

Last Thursday evening, Greyson had his first graduation... Pre-school graduation was pretty much the cutest thing ever!! He delivered his line of the Dr. Seuss book "Oh The Places You'll Go" perfectly, he sang songs and he received his diploma... He posed for pictures and opened a crazy amount of Graduation presents friends and family surprised us all with!! Overall I must say it was a great night!!

We're now into summer break and why Momma has been sick for all of it so far, Greyson seems to be enjoying staying home, sleeping in, and getting to play Wii FAR FAR FAR too much!!

It's hard to believe that he's grown so much this year, he really has developed into such a joyful little man...

Delivering his lines of the book.... "About some paths you may say, I do not choose to go there..." SO CUTE!!

The graduate with Mommy...

The graduate with Daddy...


a Family picture!! Yay!!

And THEN... there is the picture that makes me all teary eyed and weepy...

His very first day and His very last...

My oh my... How my baby boy has grown...