Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Report Card Comments...

Dear Greyson,
Your first report card came home from your new school this week.  It was near perfect of course, just like you, but beyond the good grades, were the comments.  It made momma cry to see that others see you the way that I do, that your heart shines through.  I am so proud of you.  Here are your teachers comments straight from your report card:
Greyson has proven to be a wonderful addition to this first grade class!  Serious about his reading and considerate of others, it is a pleasure to welcome Greyson to the library each week.

Greyson is very kind and hardworking. He is always enthusiastic about Art projects and lessons. It’s been great getting to know Greyson this past month.
Greyson is a hard working, independent student. He takes pride in his work and greets each task with enthusiasm. All aspects of the curriculum seem to interest him, and it shows in his work. Greyson is a great reader and is working on slowing down to read each word and not skip or guess words. Math comes easily to Greyson and he shines during mathematics. Greyson is well-liked by his classmates and has a heart of gold. He follows rules and is kind and considerate to his teacher and classmates. It is a pleasure to teach Greyson!
I couldn't be more proud of you buddy.  You are such a special little person, who brings so much joy to every single person you meet.  I love you more than words can even begin to express.

Love with lot's of xo's,

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Instagram Update...

Greyson can totally rock some big sunglasses... We love Florida because up until a few weeks ago, we could also still rock some big waves...  Today however, mid 60's and we bundled up in boots and hats and scarves... :)

Most days this is how we get home from school... His new school day is over at 2:30, but starts at 8:00 and with it being about 25 minutes away, it makes for early mornings, and car-cat naps on the way home... Which I find to be the most adorable thing ever!!

We're spending lots and lots of time at Arnold Palmer's Children Hospital which is like the Disney Land of Hospitals, the other day our nurses came in to tell us that the Dr. was running late for Greyson's treatment and with her she brought a portable DVD player and huge selection of movies and an extra blanket fresh from the warmer... So we snuggled up and watched about 30 minutes of the Lion King and I cried and thought how lucky we are to have such great care for our peanut.  **
Sometimes I find it hard to say "No"... and then we end up with Bears that are bigger than us, who we name Dexter and have to hug and kiss goodnight and put a seat belt on when he goes with us... and really, saying "No" is overrated (I might be a sucker...)
and you thought you were having a bad hair day??


Put a hat on it!  Instant cuteness!! :)
**  We are finally on the road to getting Greyson's tummy issues sorted out.  After a 2nd referral to a new pediatric GI, we were at the mecca - Arnold Palmer Children's Hospital and answers and concerns started flowing our way.  We were pretty scared for a while that Greyson had Hirschprung's, but thankfully the test they do to confirm was negative.  We did find however that he has a rare condition with the muscles in his bowels/rectum but with treatments and home "exercises" and a lot of work and a lot of trips to Orlando (that's where Arnold Palmer's is) hopefully in about a year (9 months if he continues to be the rock star he has shown to be) we could be off all the meds, done with all the treatments and I might be able to retire Greyson's poops as one of my main topics of conversation, which I can assure you makes most of my friends cheer for joy!