Tuesday, April 22, 2014


Dear Greyson,
I have so much to tell you, so much to say... It's a blog post that I've been working on for quite some time and every time, I fall apart and can't finish it, delete it, can't start it, stare blankly at my screen...
So, we went fishing!!  You've fished a few times with your Dad and Papa at little local lakes (retention ponds?) but you never caught a fish of your own...  so, we hired a fishing guide and hit the flat water and did some FISHING!!  Your first cast wasn't in the water for more than 30 seconds when your first fish was on!!  The next 4 hours went by faster than you liked (I'm pretty sure you would have fished for 4 days!!) and you had reeled in 18 fish, 7 different species!!  Your biggest was a 13.5 inch Red who fought like crazy as you giggled and reeled and squealed with joy.  It truly couldn't have been more fun and I can't wait to take you again soon, after all Captain Mike said he would let us know this summer when the big Reds really get biting and we'll go back out!!
I'm so proud of the boy that you are Greyson, I'm glad that you loved fishing, I'm not surprised, you love everything.  You are so laid back and easy going, yet you put all of yourself into everything that you do.  You're a rock star (and a fishing champ!).
I love you to the moon...