Tuesday, February 28, 2012

every 4 hours...

This morning your eyes looked a little brighter, you're still not eating much, or wanting to get off the couch... Your still wanting to nap and snuggle and just lay still, but you can hold your breathing tube and your new monkey and somewhere in the midst of your crazy morning hair and your dark circled eyes, I see a bit of your sparkle... and I breathe easier as you do...

Love you baby.

Daddy calls it your piece pipe and makes you think you're an Indian... Daddy is so silly...

Monday, February 27, 2012


Dear Greyson,

Buddy, you sure do like to scare your momma senseless you know that? You have pneumonia, severe in your right lung, mid-line in your left. You ran a fever most of the weekend starting Saturday night, over the day Sunday you had a couple of high fever spikes and started coughing, a lot. This morning you were still feverish so off to the Dr. we went. I was told they were going to do a breathing treatment in the office, and see if you sounded any better at all after. If not, hospital bound we were. You did your treatment and our Dr. said that you sounded a little clearer, but not much and sent us for chest x-rays. She gave momma your "in-home" care directions but said depending on the x-ray we might be hospital bound yet.

The tech took processed your images and her first words were, "Are you headed back to the Dr or going straight to the hospital?"

My heart sank and I kinda wanted to throw up as I mumbled, "we were supposed to go home and wait for the Dr.'s call, are his lungs really bad, do I need to go to the hospital?"

She replied with, "Oh, well I can't say, but I'll send these to your Dr. right now, so please go straight home."

I cried all the way home....

Not in the door more than 15 minutes and the phone rang... "Heather, he's a pretty sick little boy, but I think you can keep him home. I trust that you will do his Neb treatments every 4 hours and keep a close eye on him, and if anything, anything at all changes for the worse, you call me and/or go straight to the hospital."

We go back in 48 hours for a re-check including x-rays... that is as long as thing's don't get worse and we stay out of the hospital.

You took a nice nap this afternoon and have not left the couch, that's how I know you truly are so sick, even at some of your sickest moments, you like all kids, still want to get up. When you try to get up, you get dizzy and weak and sit right back down. My poor little peanut...

Please feel better and get better soon baby. While momma loves all the snuggle time we're getting, I don't love it at the cost of you feeling so poorly...

Love you,

P.S. - to make the day even more exciting?!? You lost your front top big tooth tonight!! It's your 5th lost tooth and right now you have 1.5 still missing on the bottom and now the missing one on top and the other front top one is hanging on by a thread... You did your best to give me a big gap toothed smile tonight... Such a trooper you are. I love you!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

More Instagram Love...

B-ball Video

As requested, a little video of Greyson playing b-ball. These were just some quick clips I had on my phone. I'll try to get better video at next weeks game!! :)

Friday, February 17, 2012

Week One - Instagram...

So... I have a new obsession and I just found it this morning... yeah, I work fast with my obsessions!! How I've lived under a rock for so long to not have already had this obsession is BEYOND me, but I've finally crawled out and am in the trenches, which I guess is crawling back in, but whatever, it's fun down here with all the photo goodness and moods and looks, and old-timey-ness and hey Polaroid and Oh.Wow.How.Did.I.Ever.Live.With.OUT.This!?!?!?!

Yes, it's an app for my phone. Instagram - how I love thee...

So here is week one of what I plan (ha!) on making a weekly (bi-weekly? daily? monthly? yearly? whenever the mood strikes?) feature... :) Enjoy!

Yup... that's my kid holding a goat...

The picture is awesome-sauce in feel...

Not so awesome-sauce in germs - I don't do petting zoo's and can promise you I was not on the school premise when this little beauty happened, but Greyson loved it!! He also held a pig and a rabbit and his teachers thought it HIGH-larious to text me the pictures because they like to make me throw-up in my mouth a little bit, but also, because look at that grin... He was so HAPPY. The goat (pig and rabbit) not so much... But Greyson - he was all about the petting zoo... EWWWW!! :)


We're actually closing in on the end of basketball season!! This year has been GREAT!! Greyson really loves his team, his coaches and the game. Greg has been able to sit on the sidelines and watch and enjoy, I've been able to cheer and squeal and do all the things that I'm sure will one day embarrass him to no end, but for now he looks over with a big grin and gives me a thumbs up!! The game comes fairly natural to him and like I said, he loves it! He's on our court in the backyard almost every night, and the hard work is paying off. He's one of the best ball handlers and shooters on the team!!

He shoots - He SCORES!!

Heading in for his shot!!
He gets the rebound and makes a fast dash back, for the perfect lay-up basket!
Playing a little defense...

and as always the proud smile that I love...

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

just because...

Dear Greyson,

I love you. You make me smile from the inside out... You make me giggle and laugh and go speechless with happiness!! You are so remarkably you, everything I love, everything I want, everything I need. Being your mom is the greatest gift I've ever received.

All the love in the world my sweet pea!!


Saturday, February 11, 2012

The time I didn’t talk about…

Dear Greyson,

I’ve wondered a lot over the past few months if I would ever blog or write to you about what I’m about to, while we were going through it, I couldn’t bear to write about it, thinking in my head that putting it on paper (the Internet) would make it more true. Your daddy and I were sick with worry, gripped with fear, frustrated and scared. It’s only now, now that you are back to being fine (which you always were) back to just the normal kid sick (colds and flus and coughs) and not the seriously sick kid sick, that mommy can breathe again and think and possibly blog about the end of 2011 scare that about sent mommy over the sanity edge.

It all started with what I thought was you being impatient, whenever mommy was trying to talk to your teacher, or check out at the store, or get in the car to go somewhere, you suddenly had to pee. It got worse, and then alarmingly worse and off to the Dr we went because we figured bladder infection – easy enough. Except the meds didn’t work and suddenly you were peeing 8-10 times an hour all day long, up a million times at night and crying because you always felt like you had to go. We switched antibiotics, this will do the trick we were told. It didn’t and you got worse, and then there was the day I saw a look on our doctors face that still haunts me. As she felt your lower stomach she said she could “feel something” it was painful to you, you had blood in your urine, we were being sent to have your blood drawn and for U/S and scans and all kinds of tests… I know that I kept living because I’m still here, but I don’t know how, I felt my heart stop, my breathe get stuck in my throat, my brain did nothing but scream…

We went to have vials and vials of blood drawn and you screamed. You sat on my lap and I pinned you next to me with one arm, keeping your other arm held out straight and you screamed, it was awful. You told your daddy later that they took 7 MILES (rather than vials) of your blood and it was the first time I had laughed that day. We were referred to Nemours, one of the best pediatric children’s hospitals in our area. After your pediatrician couldn’t find any of what he said “were the easy things to fix”… My heart continued to sink. Mommy fought and cried and begged for a quick appointment with Nemours, the first available they had was a month away and there was no way I was waiting a month… So with a little Momma Bear ferocity I had your tests and appointment scheduled within 2 days.

When we went for the US of your kidney’s I instantly knew, I knew it in my bones that something was wrong. The tech took so much time on your right kidney compared to your left… The next day was your appointment with nephrology and I picked up your U/S report to take it with us. I of course ripped it open and there it was… Your right kidney, pelvictasis. Your right kidney was way bigger than your left, an Internet search found me with more questions and even more worry!! Leading cause of pevictasis is a mass that presses on your kidney causing it to swell, which in turn causes the frequent urination. The only word that stood out to me was mass…

Your daddy was on a plane for business, I left him a message in full on tears telling him what the U/S showed, I was devastated, I couldn’t breathe… I held you so tight, you had been sleeping with us for nights, I didn’t want to be anywhere but next to you. In the car we headed to Orlando, we had to stop so many times to let you use the potty… I felt like I was swimming, everything seemed so surreal to me, I was prepared for the worst news of my life, but had no idea how to handle it…

The doctors and nurses at Nemours were amazing, the appointment took hours, especially when you had to go to the potty every 5-10 minutes. We went over your results; we took x-rays, another scan, more urinalysis tests…


As we got in the car and I picked up the phone to call your daddy I was literally giddy, giggling and laughing and shaking my head… you my dear, were quite literally full of POO!! Even though you go every day, even though we’ve struggled with this for a few years, you still were holding it during the day, only comfortable to go at home, and though you were going at home, you still had a back-up… That back-up was pressing into your kidneys… The nephrologists said it was a huge credit to the fact that you do eat so many fruits and veggies that you were still going everyday and that’s why this “issue” has developed so slowly. We were sent home with some “serious” clean out your kid stuff… The next 2 days were not fun in the slightest… you basically lived on the potty, mommy got a horrible sinus infection and cold and well we were both miserable, yet so incredibly HAPPY!! I went from my hugest fears of losing you to just adding a little Miralax to your daily Gatorade… We cut out all caffeine and soda’s (which you didn’t drink a ton of, but some) and added even more fiber to your diet and just like that you are now back to completely normal (well, as normal as any child of mine can be…)

Oh Greyson Lee… I can’t tell you how I worried, mommy tires to take the positive out of things like this. For me it was that reminder that so many things can wait, extra snuggle time, extra book time, extra play time, extra just lay in bed with you at night and talk time are SO much more important. It reminded me to slow down, seriously slow down and remember to LOVE on you so much more.

I’m so so so very happy that you are the healthy little nutcase that you are. You my love are my everything and while I hated the worry and the stress, I’ll take it all over again 100 times more if it means getting to see your cute face each and every morning.

I love you forever and always,

Friday, February 10, 2012

An open letter to our immune systems…

Dear immune systems,

Hi, it’s me Heather, better known as Greyson’s mom. Listen, I get it, we put you through a lot, what with our Disney trips, going to school daily, trips to the store, living in the pine pollen craziness that is Florida right now, etc… but seriously, you need to come back and back with a vengeance, boosted and strong, mighty and powerful, because I’m over, read it again, OVER being sick, and I’m over, read it again, OVER Greyson being sick. We have yet to make a full week of school this YEAR! Greyson has been sent home early twice this month!! It’s only the 10th and this month is a leap year month, we have 19 days left… Please, I’m begging you – please we can’t take the sickness, the colds, the coughs, the sinuses, the stomach viruses, the pink eye, the strep, the flu the congestion, the gunk anymore. We need a reprieve!!

Love and Extra Vitamin C,

Monday, February 6, 2012

Yes he is...

We ate dinner a few weeks ago at Outback Steakhouse... Something we have not done in FOREVER!! (Mama likes to fit in her jeans! ha!) But... we had a gift card so figured we might as well make the most of it. Greg and I (back in our Louisville, dating days...) used to eat at Outback, ALL. THE. TIME! Like seriously, way way way to often, and we always got the same thing... Loaded Cheese Fries (because hello?) Steaks, salads, and you guessed it Chocolate Thunder Down-under (dude... it's so so good... yum to the yum to the my thighs, oh my thighs!!)

Anyway... as we ate our standard 16,000 calorie meal we got to reminiscing a bit about the dating days and our love of Outback and movies and the things we used to do, like leave the house to go out at 8:00p.m., like it was normal!! Now if it's quarter after 5:00 we're all "oooh.. that's going to really push bed time back, we can go tomorrow!" how times change...

Anyway (again) as we talked Greg said, "Who would have thought that some day we'd have a little munchkin." a few seconds went by as the 3 of us scooped more chocolaty ice cream hot fudge goodness into our mouths when Greyson suddenly declared, "Hey! I'm that munchkin!!"

and yes he is, that munchkin indeed...