Tuesday, September 22, 2009


It's the way that his eyes can look so bright blue in the right light...
It's the funny faces he makes...
It's that crooked smile...
It's the raised eyebrows in attempt to avoid squinty cheesy smiley face...
It's the color of his hair that matches his Daddy's right down to the highlights...
It's the nose that truly is a combination of both of ours...
It's simply just him.
This face can make any day better, this face can make any day the best.

Friday, September 18, 2009

More Disney Fun...

Greyson with Pluto...
Greyson with Daisy...
The crazy Racer...
On the carousel...
Happy to be at the Happiest Place on Earth... (or so they say...)

We made another Disney trip last week and had a fantastic time. Now that our weather is cooling down a bit, and by cooling I mean 89 degrees rather than 98 degrees everyday, we're sure to be enjoying the parks more often again. Speaking of weather and cooling, it's official that I've become a true Floridian, I froze to death the other evening when the temp dipped to a chilly 78 degrees, literally froze as in I need a sweatshirt and jeans type freezing... yeah, it's sad...

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Grandma’s Wedding Suit…

Almost 55 years ago my Grandma was married in this suit, and while I’m a tad taller (the sleeves are a bit short!) and the hat has been smooshed and flattened a bit, I had a ton of fun trying it all on today. I can’t thank my mom enough for making sure I had this, I can remember as a young girl going through the cedar chest and seeing it and to now not only have it, but be able to put it on, well, it’s just pretty cool. I love you Grandma…

(I think I may have this hat on all wrong??)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Hi There!

(Serious kisses...)