Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Catching a wave...

We so have boogie boarding down...

Surf's up?!?

Oh... yeah... 

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Summer Check In...

Dear Greyson...

Well, here we are half way through summer break (maybe a little more than half?) and wow has it gone by fast!! It's not really been the summer we dreamed of... There has been fun, yes fun for sure, beach time, pool time, water park time too... We've gone to movies and painted pottery and spent entire days in our pj's... We've rode our bikes, and hiked our trails, we've shopped and snuggled and laughed until our sides hurt.  But, we've spent a lot of time at Dr.'s again... See little one, you have a belly that just drives momma insane.  We've fought this for years, and years and years.  Doctors always treating the symptoms and not the problem.  This summer momma has had enough, so armed with information, your diet all written out and a bit of an attitude, momma finally got through to your doctors.  So finally it feels as if mommy and your doctors are on the same page, and we've finally got the referral we wanted to a Pediatric GI.  In a few weeks (or hopefully sooner, as we're on the cancellation list) we'll head to Boreland Groover Hospital and momma will once again, go armed with her information, her pages of your diet, and her attitude, because it's my job to fight for your health care, to make them listen, to make them look at everything... Cross every t and dot every i...

All I want are answers, I know in my heart of hearts that no matter the diagnosis, no matter the cause, we can get through this, we just need the answers so we can make the right decisions and get you the best care possible.  I'm confident that it will be something simple, because isn't it always??  I just want to know, so we can move forward.  Mommy is tired of seeing you miserable, and you are such a trooper, putting on a brave face... You never complain of the things you have to do, the diet you have to eat... You are so strong my love bug and I'm so proud of you!!  It breaks mommas heart that at 6 you worry, my little 65 year old man, trapped in a 6 year old's body... You worry and you fret and you say such responsible things... Things no 6 year old should say, you worry about your Fiber intake and how many ounces of water you've had to drink... You turn away cookies and crackers for Cantaloupe, Watermelon and Cucumbers... You my bug a boo, are amazing...

We'll get this figured out once and for all sweet boy...

I love you so much!

Veggie subs for everyone!! 

Monday, July 2, 2012


First you wait and check it out... you get ready...
Then you take a leap!!
and SPLASH!!

 More sun, means more outside time... This time we opted for fresh water...

Life is good...
Ever so good!!

and then there was sunshine...

After what felt like weeks and weeks and months and days and oh my goodness we're floating away!! Tropical storm Debby (downer) moved on off the east coast late last week.  We'd been trapped in the house, sure we went and painted some pottery, we shopped, we went to the movies... But we were getting stir crazy, our lungs full of nothing but damp air conditioned air, we'd slept too much, taken too many naps, stayed in our pj's all day, and we were grumpy!  So late Wednesday night as sun began to shine just as it was also setting, I said to the boy child - tomorrow we're going to the beach!  I knew the surf would be a wash, not big waves, not flat, not the rolling little waves we love but messy and moody from the storm still stirring things up, but it didn't matter.  All we needed was towels, a bag of sunscreens at various SPF's some to rub in, some to spray, one a stick to get noses and cheeks, water and sandals and most importantly his boogie board... 

 (This is all I have to carry to the beach these days... it's awesome!)

 We left tired, sun baked and happy...

Welcome back sunshine, oh how we have missed you!!