Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Recently I’ve given a lot of thought to the differences and similarities of the parent I thought I’d be and the parent that I am. I can remember while pregnant the rules I thought I’d live by, the mother code I thought I’d follow. It’s interesting to look back now and see what things stayed true and what things quickly fell apart.

While pregnant I swore up and down that Greyson would not ever have a pacifier. He still sleeps with one every night.

While pregnant I was fairly certain I would only breastfeed until 6 months. He’ll be 2 next week and still nurses a few times a day.

While pregnant I thought our days would be full of play groups, mommy clubs, trips to the park, the zoo, the library. I thought that my house would be spotless, my child would be perfectly pressed, clean and always cooperative and chipper. (I’ll pause while you control your laughter….) In reality, laundry tends to stay a load or seven ahead of me, there are always crumbs under the highchair, even if I just mopped 2 minutes ago. Toys liter every square inch of our house, Greyson while always adorable is rarely perfectly pressed, without a smear of something somewhere, he’s mostly chipper and cooperative but in the moments when he’s not, he does his best to make up for the time that he was. We venture out as often as possible but days tend to turn into weeks and before you know it another week is gone and we’ve only gone to one play group.

With all of the differences and the things that turned out to be the same, there is one major difference. While pregnant I knew I would love being a mom, I knew I would love Greyson. I thought I knew how much, and I was so wrong. I love him and being a mom so much more. I love that motherhood turned out differently than I thought, because it’s so much more than I thought it would be. It’s more fun, even when we just stay home, it’s more rewarding, even when the laundry piles are as tall as I am, it’s more love, and acting silly, it’s more snuggles and giggles, it’s more late nights and early mornings that someday I’ll miss and long for, it’s more of everything and I couldn’t be a happier momma because of it.

So, to my sweet boy, who’s growing up way too fast, thank you for giving mommy so much “more”, you have enriched my life in every way.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The New Yankee...

Greg has a friend at work who is a huge Boston Red Sox fan – we’re talking, major major major fan! So, he obviously in not a fan of the New York Yankee’s. Greg and his friend find ways pretty much every day to razz one another over Yankee’s / Red Sox’s and it’s quite entertaining and lots of fun. So with out further explanation: Greyson has started being a total ham in front of the camera, really understanding that when mommy takes a picture he is supposed to smile! He tends to kick it up a notch though and rather than give us a super cute grin, we get these over the top, super silly and hilarious super smiles! He’s such a ham!!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Proud Momma Alert!!!

Greyson Lee is a potty training PRO!! I feel as if I have not done a thing to introduce the potty to him and that he’s the one who has really just grabbed the reins and figured it out. The last few days in an effort to make it easier for him (me) and because I have yet to go out and buy pull-ups or big boy under-oo’s! I have been letting the little man run around commando! He loves it and the huge bonus……. he is using the potty exclusively!! Today, he has run into the bathroom a number of times, shushing me out as I follow, to get up on his little step, pee in the potty, hop down, get some TP to wipe off and drips on the rim (yes, you read that right, he even cleans up after himself!!) then flushes, waves bye bye, and is off to the sink to wash his hands. Can you see why I’m so proud? To make this an even more interesting and proud blog – today for the first time, he went in, put the seat down, got his potty seat (the little seat that fits on the toilet type) and then called for me to help him up and he….. yep, he pooped in the potty!! Three Cheers for Greyson Lee, Hip Hip Hooray, Hip Hip Hooray, Hip Hip Hooray!!!!

Huh, who would have ever guessed that some day I would be blogging about my over excitement that my not quite two year old pooped in the potty??? Ah…. Mommy-hood, it rocks!

Our latest adventure....

We recently took a little trip to Orlando, Greg had a conference that was held at Disney’s Coronado Springs Resort, so obviously Greyson and I decided it was a must that we tag along! The resort was beautiful and other than Greyson and I getting a little sick and having to go to the Dr. (not fun) we had a pretty good time.
We didn’t get many pictures, but here is what we do have….

Greyson just loves room service breakfast!
This is at the main pool, all the kiddo’s loved to sit on this waterfall type structure, it was pretty cool and Greyson could have sat there for hours!!
Greyson was very taken with all the beautiful fountains!
We were on our way back from the pool when I snapped this picture of Greyson, someday he will hate me for it, but it’s SO funny – I just love it!!! (He was saying “CHEESE”!!!)

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Hot Baby!!

Today I learned that even on ridiculously hot summer days, when his cheeks are red, his hair is sweaty, clothes rumpled and stained, he still manages to take the cutest ever candid shots…

We played outside in the heat of the day because he just loves outside so much, luckily there was a good breeze and lots of shade!!

New York, New York!!

We recently made a quick little weekend trip to the Big Apple (why is it called the Big Apple you may wonder?? Good luck finding the answer, when I googled it I came up with answers ranging from horse betting tracks, jazz musicians and that Manhattan is shaped like an apple with the Statue of Liberty being the stalk!

It was a great and much needed quick trip, the weather was perfect, Greyson was a traveling pro and all that New York shopping and food kept Mommy very happy too!

A view of the city, we had taken the ferry out to see the Statue of Liberty and this was the beatiful view of the city on our way back in. (Wall Street area).

The family hanging out at the memorial park, before boarding the ferry.....

Daddy and Greyson in Central Park....

The family again in Central Park.....