Monday, March 31, 2008

A note from Mom...

Dear Sweet Weeble Wobble,

I think this morning I figured out my mommy-hood 101 lesson for this year. Patience.

I’m quite certain that you come by your dramatics very honestly, your Mama’s been known to be a tad dramatic a time or two (I see you snickering Greg!) but honey bunches, you are taking it to a whole new level, and while I’m proud of your ability to show your emotions and your acting range is inspiring to say the least, some of the drama really has to stop. I know that you like to (play in the water) er, I mean wash your hands, but honey after a good 10 minutes, I promise they are clean. Also baby, mommy is good, but she can’t read your mind, so when you tell mommy you want your waffle in pieces, you just can’t change your mind after its cut up already, mommy can’t put it back together. I know that maybe these things seem like the end of the world and worthy of crying jags and running to your room to fall across your bed in an utter display of defiance, but my darling I promise in the grand scheme of things, it’s not so bad. So while mommy works on being patient and understanding your need to do everything your way on your own, even when you physically can’t, do you think you can work with mommy just a bit too?

Thanks baby, I love you.



  1. Sorry Greyson it is truly in your genes! Your Great Aunt Lori and Your Great , Great, Great Grandma Euie were well known for there flair in exageration! Its on both side of your Mommys family. I dont know about your Daddys side but its okay if you are like your mommy and her side of the family. You have the best Mommy and she is the best daughter that I could ever have hoped for. Grandma Euie lived well into her 90's and Your Aunt Lori is in sunny California and I love her very much and she loves your Mommy too and I an sure that she thinks you are just GREAT!
    Love you for ever and ever, Grandma

  2. Hmmmm. Maybe make this an open letter from Moms everywhere? I have a few things I'd like to add on from our Bug....
