Sunday, March 30, 2008

Warning! Little boy humor coming your way!

Don’t say I didn’t warn you….

Tonight as I rocked Greyson to sleep, he let the loudest and smelliest I might add, toot you have ever heard. He immediately sat up in my lap looked me dead in the eye and said:

“Mommy, was that you?”

“No, Honey that was you.”

“No, that was you. Ewe. Nasty.”

Then he proceeded to lay his head back down on my shoulder and giggle himself to sleep.


  1. Just way too funny! I'm so glad that you had a little boy, they are just so funny. I hope you some day have a little girl but boys are alot funnier!
    Love to you all, Mom & Grandma

  2. How funny was that. They always seem to make us laugh. It does not matter what time it is, they can always but a smile on our face.
